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configure: error: liblzma development files not found

  001、问题 root@ubuntu01:/home/software/htslib# ./configure ## 编译软件时出现如下报错     002、解决方法 root@ubuntu01:/home/software/htslib# apt install liblzma-dev   参考:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40640700/article/details/116462615  

WebAssembly for Game Development All In One

WebAssembly for Game Development All In One WebAssembly 游戏开发指南 WebAssembly DooM DooM, A wasm32 port of 1997 linuxdoom-1.10 with minimal modifications to the sources. C/C++ 移植版 Rust 移植版 https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM https://github.com/die

WebAssembly Development All In One

WebAssembly Development Guide All In One WebAssembly 开发指南 All In One WebAssembly 1.0 has shipped in 4 major browser engines. https://webassembly.org specs https://webassembly.org/specs/ https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/ https://webassembly.githu

Vite Build Development Environment

Normally, vite build by default is building the production environment only, but we still can make it build development environment by adding --mode development flag, here are my scripts in the package.json: "scripts": { "dev":

Flask 学习-21. 项目配置通过.env环境变量启动开发/生产环境

前言 一般一个项目会配置多套环境:开发/测试/生产环境,每套环境的配置不一样,比如不同的运行环境配置的数据库不一样。 config配置 在前面的配置管理中https://www.cnblogs.com/yoyoketang/p/16629630.html,已经学会了在config.py 文件写不同环境的配置类 import os class Config(ob

[转]Linux Programming Made Easy – A Complete Guide With Resources For Beginners

Linux Programming Made Easy – A Complete Guide With Resources For Beginners 原文:https://digital.com/best-website-builders/linux/ ------------- Linux is an operating system, platform, ecosystem, and culture. While the continued dominance of Windows and Mac


跟java速查用法一样,但因为我摆烂了就粗糙很多是了。ctrl+f查找你要的关键词,有一定概率可以定位它在哪个lecture出现过 lectrue 1 intro Menagement p24 Objective and balance p25 Resources and people p26 The 3 Es(Effectiveness, Efficiency, Equity) p27 Levels of manage

BalticOI2017 Political Development

对于度数\(<k\)的点可以快速的求出包含它的团,问题就是解决度数比较大的团 注意到题目特殊限制,没有一个导出子图所有点度数都较大,所以一定可以通过不停地遍历、删除度数\(<k\)的点来遍历整张图(类似于拓扑排序) 并且我们可以发现对于一个已经check的点删除后不会对答案有影响,所以我们

The development prospect of SAP consultants in China in the next decade

The development prospect of SAP consultants in China in the next decade       I have been engaged in the sap consulting industry for more than 15 years, and I still maintain the optimistic, expectation and vision for the SAP consulting industry and the SA


1.在根目录的public下创建三个文件   index.js let config = { env: 'development', //development 测试 production 线上 VERSION: 'v0.1.1', APP_KEY: 'key' }; if (config.env === 'development') { /*eslint no-undef:0*/ Objec



AWS 25 Cloud_Development_Kit(CDK)

AWS Cloud Development Kit AWS云开发工具包(CDK) •使用熟悉的语言定义云基础设施:•JavaScript/TypeScript、Python、Java和 .NET•包含称为constructs的高级组件•代码被“编译”成CloudFormation模板(JSON/YAML)•因此,您可以同时部署基础架构和应用程序运行时代码 •非常适合Lambda

报错 This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.Use a production

WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.Use a production WSGI server instead     用gevent包里的pywsgi 优点:速度快,第三方开发维护 if __name__ == '__main__': from gevent import pywsgi server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(('0.0.


NO:===============================END===============================Walter Savage Landor:strove with none,for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:I warm'd both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I am ready to dep


[Development:Git&Git和SVN简介]                                                                       [Programming.Development][Git简史及安装教程/创建本地仓库/提交项目到本地仓库/误删还原]一、Git简史及同类产品对比:### --- git简

Configure SDK environment variables for Android Studio development(配置SDK环境变量)

System environment variable settings Step 1 Add ANDROID_HOME 系统变量(S)$\rightarrow$新建 system variable$\rightarrow$NEW 添加变量名(add variable name):ANDROID_HOME 添加变量值(add variable value):你所安装的SDK路径,常规安装则在C:\Users\(Your username)\AppData\L


https://dev.to/courier/tips-and-tricks-to-setup-your-apple-m1-for-development-547g Rosetta Terminal 用这个终端运行x86架构下的node

Learn web development

Learn web development Welcome to the MDN learning area. This set of articles aims to guide complete beginners to web development with all that they need to start coding websites. The aim of this area of MDN is not to take you from "beginner" to

Commit Message 规范

前言 在开发过程中经常需要提交代码,提交代码时需要填写 Commit Message(提交说明),否则就不允许提交。但是在每个开发人员提交的格式非常不统一,有中文的,有英文的,还有直接废话文学和直接写11111的,时间久了连开发人员自己都不知道自己表述的修改内容。 Commit Message 规范 社区有多种

招聘net 开发

        .Net高级开发工程师Sr. Software Development Engineer职责描述Main responsibilities1. 基于.Net, .Net Core, C#, WPF的桌面端,前后端软件的设计和开发Desktop, Web(front and back end) software design and development based on. Net,. Net core, C #, WPF.2. 负


Spring boot模拟数据库开发 准备工作 把准备的后台模板准备好,地址: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13mNCQ18_nl6DHpxfKl4ZFw 提取码:love 导所需要的依赖 <!--thymleaf引擎导入--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boo


  关于开发测试生产需要多少个环境,因公司而异,这里分享一下我建议开发过程中使用的几个环境。      Development环境,就是开发环境,程序写代码,写单元测试的环境,一般和IDE一起,经常是在调试模式下进行,为了与其他开发者隔离,通常数据库都是自建(也有共享的)自用,三方接口一般都是mo


  关于开发测试生产需要多少个环境,因公司而异,这里分享一下我建议开发过程中使用的几个环境。      Development环境,就是开发环境,程序写代码,写单元测试的环境,一般和IDE一起,经常是在调试模式下进行,为了与其他开发者隔离,通常数据库都是自建(也有共享的)自用,三方接口一般都是mo

Java Development Kit下载地址

Java Development Kit下载地址 官网下载 一般最新版本无需登录即可下载,其他历史版本需要登录Oracle账户才可以下载。 最新版下载地址: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/ 历史版本下载地址: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/archive/ 第三方


  Webpack基本使用--安装和配置 npm install webpack webpack-cli -D 命令安装相关包 在项目根目录中创建名为 webpack.config.js的webpack配置文件 该配置文件初始化内容如下: // webpack.config.js module.exports={ mode: 'development' //开发模式development 生产模式