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背景 1.什么是双端队列 deque的英文意思是Double-Ended Queue,deque是为了在两端高效实现插入和删除操作的双向列表,适合用于队列和栈:deque除了实现list的append()和pop()外,还支持appendleft()和popleft(),这样就可以非常高效地往头部或者尾部添加或删除元素 基本概念 与常见的list


题目链接:https://vjudge.net/problem/CodeForces-191B 题意:过于繁琐,略 思路:真·神级贪心题   首先我们可以想到的是,为了在k天内选到最靠前的城市,我们要想办法在前k-1天挑选尽可能贵的城市,为第k天奠定基础。   先对前n-1个城市的举办活动价值排序,对前k大的求和得到sum,接下来:  


第一步: 首先我们去npm官网注册一个账号。  如果你的username一直不能注册成功,可以在你的username前面加一个~,就可以注册成功了。 第二步:  1.新建一个项目 2.生成package.json文件 npm init package name: (testpublish) //包名,可更改,也可以使用默认(直接回车) version: (1.

About Product Demonstration

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/RelaxTintin/archive/2009/07/24/1529966.html I received a invitation letter from US team about a sprint demonstration. Although I couldn’t join it (it is very early morning of my time :p), I went through

About Product Demonstration

I received a invitation letter from US team about a sprint demonstration. Although I couldn’t join it (it is very early morning of my time :p), I went through the mail with detail (I should do this before actually but I missed lots of time) and found the

About Product Demonstration

I received a invitation letter from US team about a sprint demonstration. Although I couldn’t join it (it is very early morning of my time :p), I went through the mail with detail (I should do this before actually but I missed lots of time) and found the