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MV On demand refresh权限问题

MV_TEST在Schema1下创建,Schema2下无法进行刷新解决方法Instead of ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW try GRANT ALTER ON MV_TEST to Schema2: ERROR at line 1:ORA-01031: insufficient privilegesORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2251ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHO


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第30期答案汇总   As the coronavirus outbreak continues, many Americans are fearful of using public transportation. They are also looking for ways to get exercise without going to a gym. So, it may not be surprising that the


此框架是基于python的unittest单元测试框架写的。先来看下框架的目录结构: common :公共的方法目录conf: 配置文件存放目录data :测试数据目录library :存放一些下载第三方的模块logs:日志文件存放的目录reports :测试报告存放目录testcases:测试用例类模块目录run_test.py:主程序,项目的启


本项目记录sumo建立一个更为复杂网络的过程,SUMO版本:1.11.0,Python 3.7,使用Pycharm ide。主要参考官方文档:https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tutorials/quick_start.html 本文写于2022-01-16 1 创建网络 我们来创建一个更为复杂的网络,需要设定junction与edge的一些常用参数,首先还是按照SUMO

(一)SUMO经验 - 安装与使用

本项目记录使用SUMO进行实验的过程,SUMO版本:1.11.0,Python 3.7,使用Pycharm ide。主要参考官方文档:https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/ 本文写于2022-01-15 1 下载与安装 打开网页:https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Installing/index.html,下载对应版本的文件(本文下载windows64bit zip文件)。然后将文件


基于python语言,实现经典离散粒子群算法(DPSO)对多车场(Multi-depot)、异构固定车辆(heterogeneous fixed fleet)、带有服务时间窗(time window)等限制约束的车辆路径规划问题((MD)HFVRPTW)进行求解。 目录 往期资料1. 适用场景2. 求解效果3. 代码分析4. 数据格式5. 分步实现6. 完整代


经济学英语词汇 经济学英语词汇 1、General terms 一般术语 economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济 capitalist economy 资本主义经济 collective economy 集体经济 planned economy 计划经济 controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal ec

The top 10 must-have skills to secure your career in the future | Preface

  10 most in-demand skills for the future of work First Paragraph: While things are rapidly changing everyday, getting prepared for the future is always the key to success. So what will be the most demanded skills in future? Preface coding has predicted

(kernel parameter ) net.ipv4.route.flush is a real-time on-demand sysctl key.

Kernel parameter: net.ipv4.route.flush os version rhel5/6/7 The net.ipv4.route.flush key is a real-time on-demand sysct l key. It is used for point-in-time route cache flushing (See Diagnostic Steps section, below). NOTE: This sysctl key cannot be used


AT&T和Colt Technology Services正在通过创建、测试和试用标准应用程序接口(API)基础设施,致力于加快软件定义网络(SDN)的采用。这将使得来自不同服务提供商的SDN架构实现互操作性。该测试在美国和欧洲的网络当中实现,试验期间AT&T成功地提供了美国东海岸和欧洲各地之间的网络服务。通过


今天浏览EC&M,看到了两篇文章,一篇是介绍UPS的发展前景,一篇是介绍低压电机的发展前景,其中重要市场都在亚洲的中国,可见中国市场的未来还是潜力很大,也是被各大机构所看好的。摘抄部分数据如下: 一:UPS 2019年的UPS的市场份额  UPS Market size is set to surpass USD 14 billion by

Hotel booking demand

目录 一、项目背景二、研究问题三、查看数据四、数据清洗4.1缺失值处理4.2异常值处理4.3其他处理 五、EDA及可视化5.1酒店基本情况分析5.2酒店销售渠道分析5.3酒店流量分析5.4用户基本情况分析5.5用户入住情况分析5.6用户预订情况分析5.7影响订单取消的因素分析 六、构建模


1.controller public class DemandController { @Autowired private DemandService demandService; @PostMapping("/add") public R add(@RequestBody Demand demand, HttpServletRequest request){ // Principal userPrincipal = request

ALLDATA 10.53 and 2015 Mitchell OnDemand 2 IN 1 for Professional Repair Shops

Professional repair shops need current, factory-correct information to meet the complex repair demands of today’s automotive industry. ALLDATA 10.53 shops have fast access to the industry’s best information for vehicles from 1982 to present including TSBs

vuex vue-router

在路由跳转之前拿到store的值 首先,在你的router.js里引入vuex import store from '@/store' 在重定向的时候判断 redirect: to => { const button2 = store.getters.home_info.button_info.button2 if (button2 === '3') { return '/demand-analysis/d

lecture 2

http://www.elijahqi.win/archives/4008 Demand and Supply Two forces determine the market price demand Demand is the relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a good when all other influences on buying plans remain the same. law of dema

性能分析 | MySQL 的慢查分析实例

最近遇见一个 MySQL 的慢查问题,于是排查了下,这里把相关的过程做个总结。 定位原因 我首先查看了 MySQL 的慢查询日志,发现有这样一条 query 耗时非常长(大概在 1 秒多),而且扫描的行数很大(10 多万条数据,差不多是全表了): SELECT * FROM tgdemand_demand t1 WHERE(t1.id IN(SELECT