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CentOS install ORACLE (the most detailed in history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no one!!!)

  # CentOS install ORACLE (the most detailed in history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no one!!!)[toc]## 1.Install required software1.1.centos installation platform, vmware esxi 6.5 (Alibaba Cloud)```javahttps://www.aliyundrive.com/s/QEB5TMaLJRv ```1.2.CentOS-7-

小程序省市三级联动 及日期选择 (年月日)

日期选择 <picker class="date=='选择生日'?'placeName':'placeText'" mode="date" value="{{date}}" start="2015-09-01" end="{{dateEnd}}" bindchange="bindDateChange">


语法: PASSWORD(str) 描述: PASSWORD() 函数 生成 哈希值用于MariaDB服务的验证。 运算并返回一个String类型的哈希值密码。 如果参数是NULL,则返回空字符串。   CREATE USER edtest@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA ed25519 USING PASSWORD('secret'); CREATE USER edtest2@localhos


配置 1.点击VS里安装好的番茄图标   2.点击Suggestions->Edit VA Snippets   3.语言选择C#   4.选择File header detailed   5.修改内部内容 使用 1.VS中新建项       2.插入编辑头  

Serilog在.net core中的使用

1. Nu包安装Serilog.ASPNetCore和Serilog.Sinks.File 2. 在APPSettings中添加Serilog注入 "Serilog": { "WriteTo": [ { "Name": "File", "Args": { "path": "logs/log.txt&q

Detailed ASP.NET MVC Pipeline

Detailed ASP.NET MVC Pipeline ASP.NET MVC is an open source framework built on the top of Microsoft .NET Framework to develop the web application that enables a clean separation of code. ASP.NET MVC framework is the most customizable and extensible platfo

【Sanic】Hello world �

原文: http://blog.gqylpy.com/gqy/397        Sanic is based on the asynchronous function async def func() after python3.6, a lot of online introduction, here is not detailed. One thing to note is that Sanic USES

LeetCode开心刷题第八天——15 3sum

15 3sum this question is a complex problem to me because it's hard to detailed classification. Special Usage: vector<vector<int>> this container is equivalent to a two-dimensional array.if we use vector<int>,we can only put one vari