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4C: Creativity(创造力)、 innovation(创新)、 collaboration(团队)、 critical thinking(培养辩证思维)、 communication(重视交流能力) 点赞 收藏 分享 文章举报 wangchuang2017 发布了515 篇原创文章 · 获赞 79 · 访问量 17万+ 他的留言板

45 The Effect of External Rewards on Behavior 外界奖励对行为的影响

45 The Effect of External Rewards on Behavior 外界奖励对行为的影响①Psychologists take opposing views on how external rewards,from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists,who study the relation between actions and their conseq

knowledge, Experience & Creativity

    In a training session, the trainer asked the audience "knowledge is power, how many of you agree" almost everyone agreed, the trainer said "not true, knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power". No matter what we learn, the