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1、Batch Normalization
背景:由于Internal Covariate Shift(Google)【内部协变量转移, ICS】效应,即深度神经网络涉及到很多层的叠加,而每一层的参数更新会导致上层的输入数据分布发生变化,通过层层叠加,高层的输入分布变化会非常剧烈,这就使得高层需要不断去重新适应底层的参数更新。随着网络加深,参数分布不断【XAI】What is a Covariate is Statistics?
文章目录 Preliminary.正文.原文链接. Preliminary. 正文. 原文链接. 《What is a Covariate in Statistics?》[转] Covariate shift && Internal covariate shift
from: https://www.kaggle.com/pavansanagapati/covariate-shift-what-is-it Covariate Shift – What is it ? Introduction You may have heard from various people that data science competitions are a good way to learn data science, but they are not as useful图像分类(二)GoogLenet Inception_v2:Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing In
Inception V2网络中的代表是加入了BN(Batch Normalization)层,并且使用 2个 3*3卷积替代 1个5*5卷积的改进版,如下图所示:其特点如下:学习VGG用2个 3*3卷积代替 Inception V1中的 5*5大卷积。这样做在减少参数(3*3*2+2 –> 5*5+1)的同时可以建立更多的非线性变换,增强网络对特征的学习能力。