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Consuming RESTful Web服务

此篇指南带你走进创建一个consume一个RESTful web服务应用的步骤。 What You Will Build 你将使用Spring的RestTemplate构建一个应用来获得一个在https://quoters.apps.pcfone.io/api/random中随机的Spring Boot引用。 What You Need 大约15分钟 你喜欢的文本编辑器或IDE JDK 1.8

WCF —— Consuming WCF Services in .NET Core – Best Practices(转发)

https://www.thecodebuzz.com/consuming-wcf-web-services-in-net-core-best-practices/   Today in this article on best practices, we shall learn how to consume WCF or ASMX services easily in .NET Core C# based application (like ASP.NET Core API or ASP.NET Co

Top 50 CPU And Disk IO Consuming Queries in SQL Server

    Top 50 CPU Consuming Queries in SQL Server Select st.[text] AS [Query Text], wt.last_execution_time AS [Last Execution Time], wt.execution_count AS [Execution Count], wt.total_worker_time/1000000 AS [Total CPU Time(seco


对比测试先看一个未使用functools.wraps的装饰器:def time_consuming_deco(func):     """     计算运行func函数所消耗的时间     """     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):         start = time.time()*1000         func(*args, **kwargs)