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champion of sth/sb: someone who publicly fights for and defends an aim or principle, such as the rights of a group of people champion还可做动词: publicly fight for and defend an aim or principle, such as the rights of a group of people A champion (from the la


Armour (British English) or armor (American English) is a covering to protect an object, individual, or vehicle from damage, especially direct contact weapons or projectiles [发射物] during combat, or from a potentially dangerous environment or activity (e.g

Learning to Combat Compounding-Error in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

发表时间:2019(NeurIPS 2019 Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop) 文章要点:这篇文章想说model based方法里面通常model都是imperfect的,就是这个model一般只在局部是准确的,放到全局上看误差会越来越大,所以如果用这个model去planning很多个step的话就会有问题。作者提出了一种基于m


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前言         在全球市场中,Xilinx、Altera两大公司对FPGA的技术与市场仍然占据绝对垄断地位。两家公司占有将近90%市场份额,专利达6000余项之多,而且这种垄断仍在加强。近几年FPGA作为“中国强芯”战略产品的重头戏之一,国内FPGA厂商如高云半导体、紫光同创、上海安路、京