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cocktail with pony (模拟+写语句时的注意)

思路:没啥好说的,就是在转移的过程中有一个条件要特判一下 后记: 在写代码的时候 能写if else 就写,不要写2个if,不然 当第一个if里面的 条件元素 变换后,也会影响到后面的条件元素,进行2次条件判断了!!! 所以 要么写 if else ,要么每一个if 都写 continue  #include <bits/stdc++.h> us

cocktail with hearthstone(组合数+找规律+一点点的dp思想+快速幂)

Mr. Cocktail like a game named Hearthstone. In this game, there is a game mode "Arena" with the four rules as follows. 1.The record of each player is described as (a,b)(a,b), where aa means number of wins, and bb means number of losses. At the