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博雅数据机器学习04 线性回归 一元线性回归 import pandas as pd from sklearn import linear_model insurance = pd.read_csv('insurance.csv') age = insurance['age'].values charges = insurance['charges'].values   # 请在下方作答 # 定义一元线性回归函数 def linearRegre

Electric Charges CodeForces - 623C (二分答案)

大意: 平面上n个点每个点坐标为(x,0)或(0,y), 求任意两点距离平方最大值的最小值.   二分答案, 转化为判定最大值是否<=e, 按$x$排序后, 因为固定左端点, $y$绝对值的最大值是跟右端点单调的, 滑动一个长度平方不超过e的区间, 同时保证右端点$x$的绝对值不超过左端点, 这样对于左

E. Magic Stones CF 思维题

E. Magic Stones time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Grigory has nn magic stones, conveniently numbered from 11 to nn . The charge of the ii -th stone is equal to cici . Sometim