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一、FastRC的技术特征 下载地址:FastRC (fastnat.club), 演示视频:https://www.fastnat.club:1443/fastrc.mp4 1.免注册 2.控制方免安装,通过浏览器直接控制 3.webrtc支持NAT穿透 4.不限速 5.提供企业支持方案 二、FastRC的使用建议 1.注册为服务,开机自动运行 首先要以管理身份运


分享嘉宾:姚凯飞 Club Factory 推荐算法负责人 编辑整理:作者授权发布 出品平台:DataFunTalk 导读: 关于用户画像的技术分享,分享给有需要的小伙伴,这里给的部分案例并非本人的作品,而是来自于其它优秀的公司和前辈,大部分来自于他们的技术分享及网络图片,如果不妥欢迎批评指正。 --


参考:https://blog.csdn.net/nicai321/article/details/122679357 原理: 基于资源的约束委派(RBCD)是在Windows Server 2012中新加入的功能,与传统的约束委派相比,它不再需要域管理员权限去设置相关属性。RBCD把设置委派的权限赋予了机器自身,既机器自己可以决定谁可以被委派来控

USTC English Club Note20211206

#Musical Introduction# Waitress There's one thing I have to mention first. If you couldn't accept one to have an affair with someone or sexual content, you'd better not watch it. Many main characters of it all have an affair with others.  

USTC English Club Note20211229

#Golden Lines Series# #Rick and Morty#   We’re gonna live our lives until we die. 一直活着,到死为止。   That’s planning for failure,Morty,even dumber than regular planning. 别为失败做打算,比庸常的打算还要愚蠢。   They just put you at the center of their l

USTC English Club Note20211227

#主题跨年晚会# 晚会主题是流行音乐,12月30日晚七点和大家在西活三楼多功能厅不见不散,丰厚奖品,二课学时,好吃好喝好玩的都等着大家[em]e10311[/em]参加就有奖!!! 只需报名参加,即可获得自选定制明信片以及我社定制徽章,当晚还有抽奖环节送出三份实体专辑,活动中也有十份电子专辑送给小伙

USTC English Club Note20211226

#主题跨年晚会# [em]e10320[/em][em]e10320[/em][em]e10320[/em]EC一年一度的主题晚会来啦!!!   12月30日晚七点西活三楼多功能厅与大家不见不散! 今年主题和音乐有关,隐藏在海报中,猜出来的小伙伴可以私信后台EC菌获得定制的EC徽章一份(30份先到先得),明晚揭晓活动具体内容   转发晚会

USTC English Club Note20211227

#Back to the start# Can you still remember where it all began? Can you still remember the reason why you depart from the comfort zone? When looking back upon the experience, can you recognize yourself immediately? We should stay true to the original self.

USTC English Club Note20171020(2)

#Five Words from CET-6   1.pamphlet [ˈpæmflɪt] n. 小册子;活页文选 The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet. 学术专著是以小册子形式出版的。 We are sending you a catalogue together with pamphlet for your reference. 我们寄去一本目录及小册子,供你

USTC English Club Note20171017(4)

#Bilingual Line   We cling to memories as if they define us. But what we do defines us. My ghost survived to remind the next of us... that humanity is our virtue. --- Ghost in the Shell (2017)   我们紧紧抓着记忆不放,好像记忆能给我们身份。但是我们的所作所

USTC English Club Note20171018(2)

#Five Words from CET-6 #还是大主页菌[em]e248[/em]#   1.rectify [ˈrektɪfaɪ] vt. 改正,校正 Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation. 只有国会法案才能矫正这种形势。 It is highly necessary to rectify names. 必也正名乎!(《论语》)   2.overhead [ˌəʊ

USTC English Club Note20171012

#Five words from CET-4   1.domestic [dəˈmɛstɪk] adj. 国内的 And we must also pursue domestic sources of oil and gas. 同时我们还要继续勘探国内的油气资源。 家庭的 He was not prepared to sacrifice this principle in the interests of domestic harmony. 他不

USTC English Club Note20171012(2)

#Five Words from CET-6   1.authorize [ˈɔθəˌraɪz] vt. 授权 We are willing to authorize the president to use force if necessary. 我们愿意授权总统在必要的时候使用武力。 批准 It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that. 他

USTC English Club Note20171012(3)

#USTCpedia #Road to Russia No big game today. Let's check out the teams having gotten their tickets to Russia, and the teams clashing in play-offs to seize the tickets, and the knocked out ones.   QUALIFIED TEAMS   Europe   Russia, Belgium, Germany,

USTC English Club Note20171013(1)

#Five Words from CET-4   1.shrink [ʃrɪŋk] vt.& vi. 收缩,皱缩 Will this soap shrink woolen clothes? 这肥皂会使毛织品收缩吗? It absorbs very little moisture and will not shrink or swell. 它水分少,既不会收缩也不会膨胀。 退缩 They didn't shrink from danger. 他

USTC English Club Note20171013(3)

新学期英语俱乐部沙龙第一波, 本周六下午四点,重温神夏! 卷福!花生!莫娘!麦哥! 还记得去年有趣的神夏晚会吗? 或许你去年错过了晚会, 又或许你是痴迷神夏系列的萌新? 无论你是以上哪一种,只要你喜欢神夏, 那就来参加英语俱乐部本学期的第一次沙龙吧~ 分享喜欢的桥段!为神夏片段配音!向原著致敬

USTC English Club Note20171009

Here are ten words we abstract from Four level vocabulory and Six level vocabulory. Don't wait to learn them by heart. It's worthwhile to chew and digest them.   Level 4   frown n. (名词) 1.皱眉,蹙额 2.不悦 We interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval.

USTC English Club Note20170919

Tired after a day's science courses?Pick up some English to free your mind!   #Phrases tonight  1.a host of;a multitude of;numerous 大量的,许多的 There are ~ small quiet roads leading to my home.   2.deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人某物 He was deprived of schoo

Club-Remote Staff Meetings

Career Club Intermediate and above Remote Staff Meetings 2021.10.16 Saturday 16:00-16:50 Class description 21st-century technology has made it easier than ever to communicate with colleagues,clients, and business partners all over the country and the worl

sequelize 关联表时注意点

老铁们,话不多说,直接上图 第一步,我们关联两张表 country 和  ball_club country 模型    ball_club 模型    country 与 ball_club 是一对多的关系,所以就用 country.hasMany(ballClub) // country是源表,ballClub是目标表ballClub.belongsTo(country, { // ballClub是源表,cou


1、腾讯云可以申请免费证书,有效期1年,一年申请一次,够玩。 2、申请后下载证书:  3、解压后打开Tomcat文件夹 有两个文件,将www.codestock.club.jks文件在你服务器tomcat目录下找个地方放着,打开tomcat配置文件server.xml,找到SSLHostConfig节点,将certificateKeystoreFile配置www.co


一、适配 PC 或移动设备   根据用户设备不同返回不同样式的站点,以前经常使用的是纯前端的自适应布局,但无论是复杂性和易用性上面还是不如分开编写的好,比如我们常见的淘宝、京东......这些大型网站就都没有采用自适应,而是用分开制作的方式,根据用户请求的 user-agent 来判断是返


2021年6月13日: 今天继续完善了我之前的团队代码,在之前的基础上我今天加了一些其他的功能使系统变得更加完善,今天加的功能是社长的团员绩效评价功能,该功能是社长专有,目的在于社长能对自己社团的团员进行成绩评价,可以对团员提出一些意见或者奖励和惩罚,甚至是开除成员,总的来说,这是我


1、错误信息 *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Field userMapper in club.sscai.userservice.user.service.UserService required a bean of type 'club.sscai.userservice.user.mapper.UserMapper'

Hint: Fallback method 'public java.lang.String queryUserByIdFallback(java.lang.Long)' must

1、错误日志熔断器添加错误方法返回时,报了一个 error。com.netflix.hystrix.contrib.javanica.exception.FallbackDefinitionException: Incompatible return types.  Command method: public club.sscai.consumer.pojo.User club.sscai.consumer.controller.ConsumerContr