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CLSRSC-1003: Failed to start resource OC4J

Oracle12c GRID root.sh failed with CLSRSC-1003: Failed to start resource OC4J  执行root脚本报错如下:     原因: This issue was investigated in Bug 17661483 - FAILED TO START ORA.OC4J DURING ROOT.SH and was closed as not a bug. Local host entries in /etc/h

关于CLSRSC-431:Failed to stop rolling patch mode报错

centos7.7+oracle rac12.2.0.1+20200114遇到同样错误: 使用opatchauto升级补丁后,发生Failed to stop rolling patch mode报错。   [root@dbn02 ~]# opatchauto apply u01/psu/25385515 OPatchauto session is initiated at Thu Aug 29 17:02:32 2019 System initialization l

执行root.sh报错:CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action

oracle 19c已经发布了快一年了,在AIX和Linux上面安装的次数也不少了,安装的方法也层出不穷,最常用的就是图形化了,可以避免静默安装发现不了的问题。今天帮助一位朋友安装oracle 19c rac,在执行root.sh的时候,报错了。下面就详细分析下:执行root.sh,屏幕打印日志,显示在安装acfs的时候,报错fa

CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing

诊断:CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing.Linux7.5安装Grid Infrastructure时,在root.sh时会报错2019/1021 09:19:28 CLSRSC-330: Adding Clusterware entries to file ‘oracle-ohasd.service’2019/1021 09:21:03 CLSRSC-400: A system reb