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BZOJ 2276: [Poi2011]Temperature 单调队列

Description The Byteotian Institute of Meteorology (BIM) measures the air temperature daily. The measurement is done automatically, and its result immediately printed. Unfortunately, the ink in the printer has long dried out... The employees of BIM howev

[JZOJ5060] 公路建设

题目描述   在Byteland一共有n个城市,编号依次为1到n,它们之间计划修建m条双向道路,其中修建第i条道路的费用为ci。   Byteasar作为Byteland公路建设项目的总工程师,他决定选定一个区间[l,r],仅使用编号在该区间内的道路。他希望选择一些道路去修建,使得连通块的个数尽量少,同时,他不喜

POI2011 棒棒糖 Lollipop

POI2011 棒棒糖 Lollipop 题目传送门 题意 \(Byteasar\)在比特镇开了一家糖果店,草莓香草味的棒棒糖是当地孩子们的最爱。这些棒棒糖都是由长度相同的香草味或者草莓味的片段组成的。一整根棒棒糖的价格是每一段棒棒糖的价格之和,每一段香草味的棒棒糖价格为一元,草莓味的棒棒糖价格为

[dp][前缀和][并查集] 洛谷 P3575 DOO-Around the world

题目描述 After trying hard for many years, Byteasar has finally received a pilot license. To celebrate the fact, he intends to buy himself an airplane and fly around the planet 3-SATurn (as you may have guessed, this is the planet on which Byteotia is located