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统一依赖管理Composing builds
背景 在我们的AS项目中,经常引用多个Module,多人参与项目开发,这种背景下,我们会时常遇到版本冲突问题,出现不同的compileSdkVersion等,导致我们的包体变大,项目运行时间变长,所以将依赖版本统一是一个项目优化的必经之路。 你可能遇到这样的问题 在架构设计阶段,你的依赖库是这样的 同【Jenkins】Jenkins删除构建历史
Jenkins删除构建历史 先贴一下脚本 删除单个项目的构建历史 def jobName = "Mall_qa" def maxNumber = 39 Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(jobName).builds.findAll { it.number <= maxNumber }.each { it.delete() } 删除所有项目的构建历史并重置build numberDocker gitlab-runner安装
# Gitlab-runner ### gitlab-runner 安装 ```Powershell docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always -v /docker/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest ``` ### runnerVagrantfile for Official Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) builds
Vagrantfile for Official Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) builds # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.require_version ">= 1.6.0" boxes = [ { :name => "uhost1", :eth1 => "编译-基础
Waf编译基础 Waf介绍 随着项目代码工程化时,整体的复杂度是越来越复杂,构建项目所用的编译过程也越来越复杂。库与库之间是有十分复杂的依赖关系,人工去进行维护是十分困难的。这个时候就需要类似Make或者Waf工具来进行维护。Waf编译工具相对于Make编译工具更加轻量化。不用了解很多jenkins打maven包,出现Module Builds里面部分模块没有启动问题
今天公司上线部署发现上传的依赖代码并没有被打成jar包,以为是pom.xml文件问题, 进去查看,发现没问题。又以为是maven编译的jdk版本问题,换成1.8的, 还是有部分模块没有打成jar包更新,最后才发现是父依赖maven项目在jenkins的先后问题。 记录一下! 查看pom.xml文件,发现使用的是Mav03vue源码阅读——源码构建
1.构建脚本 2.构建过程 3.RuntimeOnly VS Runtime+Compiler 1.构建脚本 package.json "build": "node scripts/build.js", "build:ssr": "npm run build -- web-runtime-cjs,web-server-renderer", "build:weex": "npm run buildDocker多阶段构建实战(multi-stage builds)
官方说明: Which version do I choose? IIS If you are using PHP as FastCGI with IIS you should use the Non-Thread Safe (NTS) versions of PHP. Apache Please use the Apache builds provided by Apache Lounge. They provide VC15 and VS16 builds of Apache for x86 and如何解coredump
CoreDump 1 cd coredump path: 20181024_053514_mscd_IPOS_ssc.19341.1540352114.vsfo-3.core $ gdb [build_version_binary] [coredump.core] eselnts1473> gdb /lab/epg_scm_builds/MBMS_builds/lsv/EMBMS_155R21A82/vipp/unstripped/mscd_IPOS_ssc.elf.unstripped 201阿里产品大大:react项目这块用aceEditor代码编辑器吧,小姐姐看完都会的教程,你还不会????
大家好,我是:じ☆ve朽木,开发经验都是一步一步慢慢积累的,没有谁生来就具有的,只要我们付出了努力,肯定就会有收获!进入我的博客,带你了解Java知识,js小技巧,带你玩转高端物联网。博客地址为:じ☆ve朽木。 react项目中有个需求需要对接一个代码编辑器,查看了ant design官方社区精选组Alpine makes Python Docker builds 50× slower, and images 2× larger
转自:https://pythonspeed.com/articles/alpine-docker-python by Itamar Turner-TrauringLast updated 29 Jan 2020, originally created 29 Jan 2020 When you’re choosing a base image for your Docker image, Alpine Linux is often recommended. Using Alpine, you’re toDocker packaging guide for Python
以下是一些关于python 集成docker 的文章,很不错 The basics Broken by default: why you should avoid most Dockerfile examplesMost Dockerfile examples you’ll find on the Web are broken. And that’s a problem. A review of the official Dockerfile best practices: goDeterministic builds with clang and lld
Deterministic builds with clang and lld Deterministic builds can lower continuous integration costs and give you more confidence in your build and test process. This post outlines what it means for a build to be deterministic, the advantages of determiDocker多阶段构建实战(multi-stage builds)
在编写Dockerfile构建docker镜像时,常遇到以下问题: RUN命令会让镜像新增layer,导致镜像变大,虽然通过&&连接多个命令能缓解此问题,但如果命令之间用到docker指令例如COPY、WORKDIR等,依然会导致多个layer; 有些工具在构建过程中会用到,但是最终的镜像是不需要的(例如用maven编译构建javaCF1217A Creating a Character
You play your favourite game yet another time. You chose the character you didn't play before. It has strstr points of strength and intint points of intelligence. Also, at start, the character has expexp free experience points you can invest either i