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A Child's History of England.75

Now, it was agreed with Gaveston that he should be taken to the Castle of Wallingford, and there kept in honourable custody. They travelled as far as Dedington, near Banbury, where, in the Castle of that place, they stopped for a night to rest. Whether th


  #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Person { public: int m_age; string m_name; Person(int age,string name) { m_age = age; m_name = name; } //重载运算符== bool operator==(Person &p) { if (m_age == p.m

格式化HDFS出现java.io.IOException: Cannot create directory /opt/hdfs/name/current错误

   格式化HDFS时出现如上错误,解决的方法是为当前正在使用的用户增加相应的文件夹权限: 注:我将hadoop安装在/opt目录下;当前使用的用户名为bruce chown -R bruce /opt  


首先创建安装目录 # mkdir /usr/local/redis 下载redis压缩包 wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.2.tar.gz 解压redis的压缩文件 tar -zxvf redis-4.0.2.tar.gz 进入安装文件夹进行编译 [root@bruce-host redis-4.0.2]# cd src/   [root@bruce-host src]# mak

Python 为什么要保留显式的 self ?

花下猫语:前两天,我偶然在一个知识星球(刘欣老师的“码农翻身”)里看到一篇主题,刘老师表示 Python 的类方法非要带个 self,而不像其它语言那样隐藏起来,这让人很不爽。我对此也有同感。在经过群聊讨论后,我获知 Guido 曾经专门撰文解释过这个问题。这篇文章并不好懂,我抽空先翻译出来了,看



Linux中的DNS 正向解析与反向解析,轮询机制

1.正向解析 (域名转换为IP地址) 1.vim /etc/named.conf 修改如下 2.编辑dns的副配置文件vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones 3.cd var/named/cp -p named.localhost bruce.com.zone 复制其文件包括权限属性原文件修改vim bruce.com.zone 4.修改完成后正向解析的记录加