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Chapter (books) A chapter is one of the main divisions of a piece of writing of relative length, such as a book of prose, poetry, or law. A chapter book may have multiple chapters and these can be referred to by the things that may be the main topic of th

[专题]测试发现部分NVMe SSD的掉电数据保护功能让人失望

https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/1240441.htm 这个有点过分了.   苹果开发者 Russ Bishop 在一份测试报告中指出:即使掉电保护已经是个绕不开的话题,不少 NVMe 驱动器还是容易遭遇数据丢失问题。所谓掉电保护(PLP),特指让留存在易失性存储(此处为 DRAM)中的缓冲区数据,有足够