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Xamarin.Andorid 监听 EditText 回车事件

EditText ET_Billcode.EditorAction += ET_Billcode_EditorAction; //执行方法 private void ET_Billcode_EditorAction(object sender, TextView.EditorActionEventArgs e) { if (e.Event == null && e.ActionId != ImeAction.Done) { return;


update expresspackage set IsUploadSto=-200 where BillCode in ( SELECT BillCode from expresspackage where RealLatticeNo not in (224,448) and `Status` = 0 and DownTime < '2022/1/26 15:29:03' and createTime < �

mybatis的报错总结_____2Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an err

在编写动态sql时 trim的属性写错了,如下图: 错误示范: (接口的xml配置文件中:) 1 <update id="modifyBill" parameterType="Bill">2 update smbms_bill3 <trim suffix="set" prefixOverrides="," prefix="where id=#{id}"&


select a.billno,a.billcode,a.billno,a.dates,a.ontime,c.OrgName,d.CardCode,d.Beactive,d.fakrq,d.sxrq,b.Balance as handSelAmt,d.Balance from RetBillMt a(nolock)join TrCouponDt b(nolock) on a.entid=b.entid and a.billno=b.billnojoin OrgDoc c(nolock) on c.Ent