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Deep Mind Assert Reinforcement Learning Could Solve Artificial General Intelligence

https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2021/06/deep-mind-assert-reinforcement-learning-could-solve-artificial-general-intelligence.html Powerful reinforcement learning agents could constitute a solution to artificial general intelligence. They hypothesise that int

Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning(bsuite)

发表时间:2020(ICLR 2020) 文章要点:这篇文章设计了一个工具用来分析RL agent的各种能力,比如有没有记忆功能,泛化性如何,探索能力强不强,credit assignment做得怎么样,对reward scale稳不稳健等等,然后自动生成一个pdf的测试报告,让你以后写paper可以直接放在附录做appendix。设计的思路就

Unity StateMachineBehaviour

在unity animator中单个Animator Clip中点击Add Behaviour增加当执行该动画时的一些状态代码,请看如下 创建完之后基本代码结构如下:(如果想修改默认代码结构,请看示例:)  

Behaviour-Driven Development from Cucumber

https://cucumber.io/docs/bdd/ Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is the software development process that Cucumber was built to support. There’s much more to BDD than just using Cucumber. What is BDD? BDD is a way for software teams to work that closes th