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09月   You don't give up just because things are hard. 不轻易放弃。——2022.09.01    其他: 有道词典_每日一句_总贴

ERROR "Host is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flus

ERROR com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource - create connection SQLException, url: jdbc:mysql://hadoop108:3306/FlinkEtl?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=GMT&useSSL=false, errorCode 1129, state HY000java.sql.SQLException:

Qt 运行显示 This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin

QT发布exe文件以后,运行文件时提示: This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “windows”.Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. 具体如下图所示 经过检验是生成platforms文件夹内缺少相应的文件,现在是可以自己

Qt 解决报错 This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin

解决 Qt5 报错 This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform pluginQT为了简化生成发布版本,特别提供了工具 "windeplayqt.exe",这个工具在 "...\Qt\msvc2017_64\bin"的目录下,通过该命令,可以解决上述错误。 打开控制台窗口 设置搜索路径以


\[若f( x)g( x)= h(x),求证h'( x)=f'( x)g( x)+ f( x) g '(x ) \]\[\\ \\ \]\[即证明[f(x)\cdot g(x)] ' = f '(x)g(x)+ f(x)g '(x ) \]\[\\ \\ \]\[h '(x)= \lim_{ Δx \to 0 } \frac { h(x + Δx)- h(x)} { Δx } =\lim_{

Android开发 Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR. The resulting

报错信息   debug模式是好的,但是编译app时报错:   Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR. The resulting AAR would be broken because the classe 解决办法   参考:https://blog.csdn.net/yuanzhihui123/article/details/123653733


capital有罗马式圆柱的柱头的意思:   SPQR这几个字母是大写。可理解为写在柱头上的那种写法。he letters SPQR are the abbreviation of the Latin phrase Senatus Populusque Romanus, which translates to "The Senate and People of Rome". Why Do We Use Capital Letters? (ba

null, message from server: "Host '' is blocked because of many connection

  错误原因是: 数据库多次连接错误,屏蔽了当前ip的连接请求   解决方法有两种:   1、登录mysql mysql -uroot -p flush hosts   2、navicat连接数据库后,选中该数据库右键点刷新->权限

记录Springcloud feign 文件上传报错 FileUploadException: the request was rejected because no multipart bounda

记录一次使用feign接口调用第三方接口上传文件报错排错新得(项目环境比较老,新版本的SpringCloud SpringBoot使用没有出现问题) 项目环境 :: Spring Boot :: (v1.5.12.RELEASE) spring-cloud-starter-1.3.3.RELEASE pom 这里需要注意的是,需要找到你所有对应的fegin表单上传插件

mac pip 安装插件后不在自己设置的目录,如何解决 Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writ

1、使用命令  python3 -m site --user-site /Users/nxy/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages 2、安装插件 pip3 install pytz Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Requirement already satisfied: pytz in /Library/Py

Typescript "this" 隐式具有类型 "any",因为它没有类型注释 'this' implicitly has type

问题: "this" 隐式具有类型 "any",因为它没有类型注释 'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation 解决方案: 将this放在函数形参上声明即可,使用的时候this不会干扰形参传入顺序 const Demo: React.FC = () => { const fn = () => {

Who need Architect?谁需要架构?(Martin Fowler)

https://martinfowler.com/ieeeSoftware/whoNeedsArchitect.pdf  Martin Fowler is the chief scientist for ThoughtWorks, and Internet systems delivery and consulting company. Contact him at fowler@acm.org. What makes a component significant? It is significant

win10下 pip install 后Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available

win10下 pip install 后Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available 解决方案 把 …\anaconda3\Library\bin 加入到系统环境变量即可。 总是提示SSL有问题,然而只是SSL就在bin里边,所以没有生效。 主要参考:https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/6064 感

Harbor私有镜像仓库登录报错 x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contai

私有镜像仓库配置好之后,登录提示 [root@harbor /data/install/harbor]# docker login Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one. Username: admin Password: 解决

json server问题

tsc.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system” Code Answer’s  被权限限定了            


本文同步更新于洛谷博客 题目描述 给定平面直角坐标系上的四个点,作一个正方形使得这 \(4\) 个点分别在正方形每条边所在的直线上。 题解 补充一下 ternary_tree 的证明,好像还挺简单的。 过 \(A\) 作 \(AM\perp BS\) 交 \(BS\) 于点 \(M\),过 \(C\) 作 \(CN\perp DX\) 交 \(DX\) 于

Plugin error

   Plugin 'ASM Bytecode Outline' is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA only because it doesn't define any explicit module dependencies Plugin 'MethodTraceMan' is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA only because it doesn't define any ex

[NOI Online 2022 普及组] 数学游戏

P8255 [NOI Online 2022 普及组] 数学游戏 \(Prat \ 0:\) 这里是 pj T2 不会做的屑 这里提供做法和证明。 \(Part \ 1:\) 设 \(\gcd(x,y)=k\),则 \(x=k \times n \ \ y=k \times m, \ k\in N\) $ \because z=x \times y \times \gcd(x,y)$ \(\therefore y \times gcd(x,y)=\frac


      \begin{array}{c}换底公式之推导:\\证明:\quad \log_{a}{b}=\frac{\log_{c}{b}}{\log_{c}{a}} \\\\设:\log_{a}{b} =r\\\log_{c}{b} =m\\\log_{c}{a} =n\\\\即:a^r=b\\c^m=b\\c^n=a\\\\\because a^r=(c^n)^r=b\\\because c^m=b\\\therefore


        \begin{array}{c}proof:\quad \log_{a}{x^n}=n\log_{a}{x}\\设:\log_{a}{x}=m,\quad 即a^m=x\\则:\log_{a}{x^n} \Rightarrow \log_{a}{(a^m)^n} \Rightarrow \log_{a}{a^{mn}}\\\because a^m=x,\quad \log_{a}{x}=m\\\therefore \log_{a}{a^m}=

Caused by SSLError(“Can‘t connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.“) 详解

前言 本文描述手动编译 python3.10 缺少 openssl 模块问题解决方案和几个小时解决这个问题的全过程。虽然我编译的是 python3.10,但是对于 python3.6、python3.8 应该同样适用。 解决方案 给新手说一下,我的服务器环境是 centos7,你们如果是其他环境,不要奇怪为啥某些命令用不了,

mysql启动报错Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code.

Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mysqld.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. 这个错误在mysql启动出错会报出 按照它的指示执行"systemctl status mysqld.service"得到 意思就是mysql

SpringBoot项目上传文件报错:the request was rejected because its size (53030696) exceeds the configured maxim

借鉴博客:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33243189/article/details/89631495 multipart的上传文件配置默认是10M大小解决办法通过设置application.yml文件重新配置multipart的上传大小: spring: servlet: multipart: enabled: true max-file-size: 200MB max-r

Ubuntu18.04——问题解决:外接显示器无反应 且 NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn‘t communicate .....

问题描述 外接显示器无反应;输入nvidia-smi发现报错: 测试 重启电脑, 在ubuntu 启动过程中选择Advanced options for Ubuntu的前一个版本运行. 输入: nvidia-smi 发现是正常的,同时外接显示器也能正常显示. 问题原因 NVIDIA驱动是在低版本的时候安装,由于系统更新,内核版本

【解决】brew无法安装三方库的问题:ifuse has been disabled because it requires closed-source macFUSE

For MAC 问题: 使用homebrew来安装ifuse等三方库,出现无法安装的提示 brew install --HEAD ifuse Error: ifuse has been disabled because it requires closed-source macFUSE!   原因: ifuse等三方库不再开源,FUSE底层基础软件闭源,依赖FUSE的三方库都受到影响,导致Homebrew不