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执行migrate报错:django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration admin.0001_initi

报错 django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration admin.0001_initial is applied before its dependency blog. 0001_initial on database 'default'. 报错原因 在数据库中已经有了django相关的依赖表 解决 ps: 慎用该方法,我这里是刚新建数据库

Applied Spatial and Spatiotemporal Analysis(应用空间和时空分析)Applied Spatiotemporal Data Mining时空数据挖掘


报错UserInfo()' in 'com.example.gmall.cart.pojo.UserInfo' cannot be applied to '(l

新建pojo类 @Datapublic class UserInfo { private Long userId; private String userKey; } 使用Lombook中的data注解,但是在使用时报错 UserInfo()' in 'com.example.gmall.cart.pojo.UserInfo' cannot be applied to '(long, java.lang.String)'      

错误记录【Operator ‘<‘ cannot be applied to ‘boolean‘, ‘int‘】

今天朋友遇见一串代码错误,向我求助:   报错原因为 :Operator '<' cannot be applied to 'boolean', 'int' 意思是运算符不能适用于布尔 应该把4<a<12改为4<a & a>12 

【Applied Algebra】可满足性模理论(Satisfiability Modulo Theories)入门

【Applied Algebra】可满足性模理论(Satisfiability Modulo Theories)入门 摘要:SMT问题是在特定理论下判定一阶逻辑公式可满足性问题.它在很多领域,尤其是形式验证、程序分析、软件测试等领域,都有重要的应用.本文介绍了SMT问题的基本概念、相关定义以及目前的主流理论.

《A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography》Chapter 18 Protocols for identification and login(2)

原文教材 与 参考资料:         Boneh Dan , Shoup Victor . A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography[J].         该书项目地址(可以免费获取):http://toc.cryptobook.us/         博客为对该书的学习笔记,并非原创知识,帮助理解,整理思路。   18.5 One time passwor


迁移时字段默认值 最好选择2显性显示数据修改情况,防止他人接手时存在黑匣子 数据库迁移文件混乱 执行迁移文件的记录会存在数据库中(表django_migrations) mysql> select * from django_migrations; +----+--------------+------------------------------------------+---------

《Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition》翻译

1 引言 2 用于孤立字符识别的卷积神经网络 3 结果与其他方法的比较 4 多模块系统和图变换网络 5 多目标识别: HOS 6 图变换网络的全局训练 7 多对象识别:空间位移神经网络(SDNN) 8 图变换网络和传感器 9 在线手写识别系统 10 支票阅读系统 11 结论

《A Graduate Coursse in Applied Cryptography》chapter 3 Stream ciphers (1)

《A Graduate Coursse in Applied Cryptography》chapter 3  Stream ciphers (1) 原文教材:         Boneh D, Shoup V. A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography[J].         该书项目地址(可以免费获取):http://toc.cryptobook.us/         系列博客为对该

《Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition》翻译

1 引言2 用于孤立字符识别的卷积神经网络3 结果与其他方法的比较4 多模块系统和图变换网络5 多目标识别: HOS6 图变换网络的全局训练7 多对象识别:空间位移神经网络(SDNN)8 图变换网络和传感器9 在线手写识别系统10 支票阅读系统11 结论                        

Coursera | Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python(UMich)| Assignment2

Coursera | Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python(University of Michigan)| Assignment2 Assignment2 : Plotting Weather PatternsPeer ReviewCodePreprocessPlot结果图 Assignment2 : Plotting Weather Patterns   梅开二度,这次的第二周作业

Vhost-User Feature for QEMU Vhost-User Applied to Snabbswitch Ethernet Switch

The purpose of this document is to introduce the reader to the vhost-user feature for QEMU that was developed by Virtual Open Systems for use by the Snabbswitch Ethernet switch. The architecture of vhost-user and Vapp are covered in this document. The rea

D365-Apply multiple Retail discounts to a product

Apply multiple Retail discounts to a product   Overview This topic reviews all the factors considered when multiple discounts can be applied to a product. In this scenario, the commerce pricing engine applies as many discounts as it can, to maximize the t

Operator '>' cannot be applied to types 'boolean' and 'number'?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45974764/operator-cannot-be-applied-to-types-boolean-and-number Im using this block in my html template : <div *ngIf="visibleblock && !selected?.item?.externalInfo?.length > 0"> But im ge

CNN论文阅读(一) LeNet:Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition

  1、CNN结构演化历史图     CNN经典论文学习第一篇,卷积神经网络开山鼻祖,经典的手写体识别论文——LeNet:《Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition》,作者包括深度学习三大巨头之一Yann Lecun,花书《深度学习》作者之一Yoshua Bengio。   原文篇幅很长,选

applied soft computing 投稿填坑1

applied soft computing 投稿填坑1 觉得有用的话,欢迎一起讨论相互学习~Follow Me 当我投完论文后,一周后让我修改格式以方便审核 (1) Please remove the header title for each page on the manuscript. word页头移去标题 (2) Please select a meaningful classification fo

applied soft computing 投稿填坑1

applied soft computing 投稿填坑1 觉得有用的话,欢迎一起讨论相互学习~Follow Me 当我投完论文后,一周后让我修改格式以方便审核 (1) Please remove the header title for each page on the manuscript. word页头移去标题 (2) Please select a meaningful classification for your

CMT307 Applied Machine Learning

Cardiff School of Computer Science and Informatics Coursework Assessment Pro-formaModule Code: CMT307Module Title: Applied Machine LearningLecturer: Jose Camacho-Collados, Yuhua LiAssessment Title: Coursework 1Assessment Number: 1Date Set: Monday, October

替换django的user模型出现的异常django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration admin.00

django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration admin.0001_initial is applied before its dependency users.0001_initial on database 'default' 百度上的大部分解决方案: 方案1、删除数据库中 除了auth_user的其他表,然后重新来一次 大概原因是因为a

OPatch cannot find a valid oraInst.loc file to locate Central Inventory. OPatch failed with error c

报错:OPatch cannot find a valid oraInst.loc file to locate Central Inventory.  OPatch failed with error code 104OPatch cannot find a valid oraInst.loc file to locate Central Inventory 命令:opatch lsinventory用于查看数据库所打Patch的列表。但运行的时候发现错误:

LeNet-Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition 附录


Applied-Social-Network-Analysis-in-Python 相关笔记4

                  模型数据越多,Average系数就越小。       perferential attachment model 有比较小的平均路径长度,但有着小的cc。 rewire:重新连接       如果仅看这个共同的邻居数的话,数量一样的话,评判不出来。  


https://flywaydb.org/documentation/migrations Overview With Flyway all changes to the database are called migrations. Migrations can be either versioned or repeatable. Versioned migrations come in 2 forms: regular and undo.   Versioned migrations have a v