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这几天 AlphaCode 写的算法击败了 Codeforces 46% 的参赛者,DeepMind 团队又上头条了。记得在 2018 年,我对于人工智能还处在狂热的推崇之中,就差找个机会转 AI 了。现在看到这样的新闻却不那么盲目了,我觉得人工智能距离取代人还有几个世纪的距离。 过去我对于”机器取代人“有一种蜜

Competition-Level Code Generation with AlphaCode

这是篇论文: competition_level_code_generation_with_alphacode.pdf Backspace You are given two strings s and t, both consisting of lowercase English letters. You are going to type the string s character by character, from the first character to the last one. Wh