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全球顶尖数据科学竞技 Numerai

1、Numerai:   https://numer.ai/ 2、https://quantiacs.com/ 3、LEAN Algorithmic Trading Engine       QuantConnect.com  

What to account for when accounting for algorithms

What to account for when accounting for algorithms A systematic literature review on algorithmic accountability Maranke Wieringa m.a.wieringa@uu.nl Datafied Society Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands ABSTRACT As research on algorithms and their

Algorithmic Toolbox 算法基础学习笔记(第二周 习题节选)

Algorithmic Toolbox 算法基础学习笔记 例如:【第二周习题 节选】Fibonacci sequence, Pisano period, GCD and LCM 文章目录 Algorithmic Toolbox 算法基础学习笔记前言2. Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number2.1. Problem Statement2.1. C++ Implementation 4. Le

The Top 85 Algorithmic Trading Open Source Projects

https://awesomeopensource.com/projects/algorithmic-trading?categoryPage=12 Zipline ⭐ 13,698 Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library   Abu ⭐ 7,752 阿布量化交易系统(股票,期权,期货,比特币,机器学习) 基于python的开源量化交易,量化投资架构 Freqtrade 

Algorithmic Engagements 2009 Fishes 拓扑 + 最小表示法

题意 在遥远的群岛上,生活着一种罕见的食肉鱼。这些鱼的生活节奏非常有规律。每条鱼每天早上在同一时间醒来,然后去打猎。傍晚,它又回到出发的地方 每天同一时间在那里睡觉,但它可能会在不同的地方醒来,因为它可能会被洋流稍微移动。 在一整天中,鱼儿都会坚持以下规则:每时每刻它都

深度学习基础 Probabilistic Graphical Models | Statistical and Algorithmic Foundations of Deep Learning

目录Probabilistic Graphical ModelsStatistical and Algorithmic Foundations of Deep Learning01 An overview of DL componentsHistorical remarks: early days of neural networksReverse-mode automatic differentiation (aka backpropagation)Modern building blocks: uni

Best Programming Language for Algorithmic Trading Systems?

https://www.quantstart.com/articles/Best-Programming-Language-for-Algorithmic-Trading-Systems/ One of the most frequent questions I receive in the QS mailbag is "What is the best programming language for algorithmic trading?". The short answer i