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SAP Fiori 应用 Adapt UI 动态显示或者隐藏的技术设计细节解析

工作中笔者的同事曾经问过我一个问题,SAP Fiori 界面上这个 Adapt UI 的按钮,为什么有的系统上有,有的系统上没有?Fiori Key User正是通过点击该按钮,进入Fiori UI的Adaptation模式,从而实现在屏幕上新增扩展字段的目的。 比较下面两个不同系统的截图: 为什么这个Adapt UI按钮,如此神出

php 设计模式

常用的设计模式:单例模式,工厂模式,观察者模式,适配器模式,依赖注入等 单例模式 //单例设计模式 class Singleton { //单例对象 private static $instance; private function __construct() { } public static function getInstance(){ if(!self::$i


// MacAddress.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <wincon.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.

SAP S/4HANA系统Fiori UI上Adapt UI按钮显示与否的控制逻辑

I use the same user to log on the same system, however some times the Adapt UI button is available but some times not. This behavior is very weird. See Shell source code for answer. The "Adapt UI" button is only available if shell is working

SAP S/4HANA系统Fiori UI上Adapt UI按钮显示与否的控制逻辑

I use the same user to log on the same system, however some times the Adapt UI button is available but some times not. This behavior is very weird. See Shell source code for answer. The “Adapt UI” button is only available if shell is working under