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asmcmd>volinfo -a          Volume Name: ARCHVOL          Volume Device: /dev/asm/archvol-244          State: ENABLED          Size (MB): 306176          Resize Unit (MB): 32          Redundancy: UNPROT    

Oracle Linux切换uek内核到rhck内核解决ACFS兼容问题

背景:协助客户做验证,客户使用的是RHEL7.6环境,我这边是OEL7.6环境,开始以为区别不大,结果acfs兼容还是遇到问题,特此记录下。 现象:asmca图形没有acfs相关内容,无法使用acfs。 起初以为是个简单的问题,之前也遇到因为bug导致类似现象,结果这次应用最新的RU补丁依然不行。 [grid@db193 ~]$ l

How To Create ACFS File System In RAC Using Command Line:

  HOME / ORACLE RAC / HOW TO CREATE ACFS FILE SYSTEM IN RAC USING COMMAND LINE: How To Create ACFS File System In RAC Using Command Line: 8976 views 2 min , 27 sec read 1   ACFS i.e Oracle ASM Cluster File System is cluster file system service us

Oracle 12c: How to Create ASM Cluster file System (ACFS) Using ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA)

Oracle 12c: How to Create ASM Cluster file System (ACFS) Using ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA)   _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Login to grid user and set ASM i

ADVM/ACFS is not supported on this OS version: 'centos-release-7-6.centos.x86_64

ADVM/ACFS is not supported on this OS version: 'centos-release-7-6.centos.x86_64 从Oracle11.2开始,ASM不仅是一个磁盘组,他还提供了了一个卷管理器,称为ADVM(asm dynamic volume manager)。ADVM向用户提供卷管理服务,并提供标准的磁盘设备驱动程序。利用ADVM,可以在卷组中创


Q          题目如下所示:在Oracle中,什么是Oracle的ACFS?     A          答案如下所示:           ACFS(ASM Cluster File System,ASM集群文件系统)是Oracle 11gR2的一个新特性。在Oracle 11gR2中,ASM文件支持包括数据文件、控制文件、归档日志文件、spfile、R


Oracle ACFS、ADVM  配置Oracle ACFS集群文件系统  首先来看下,神马是ACFS,请看oracle官方给出的定义: Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) is a multi-platform, scalable file system, and storage management technology that extends Or


安装完oracle 11GR2的RAC后,使用asmca打开图形化界面后,发现Volumes和ASM Cluster File System两个选项卡不能用     原因是因为ACFS不支持CentOS 解决方法 1.查看ACFS是否支持当前操作系统 [grid@rac02 ~]$ acfsdriverstate -orahome $ORACLE_HOME supported 2.修改osds_acfsl

执行root.sh报错:CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action

oracle 19c已经发布了快一年了,在AIX和Linux上面安装的次数也不少了,安装的方法也层出不穷,最常用的就是图形化了,可以避免静默安装发现不了的问题。今天帮助一位朋友安装oracle 19c rac,在执行root.sh的时候,报错了。下面就详细分析下:执行root.sh,屏幕打印日志,显示在安装acfs的时候,报错fa

CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing

诊断:CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing.Linux7.5安装Grid Infrastructure时,在root.sh时会报错2019/1021 09:19:28 CLSRSC-330: Adding Clusterware entries to file ‘oracle-ohasd.service’2019/1021 09:21:03 CLSRSC-400: A system reb