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Path HDU - 6582【求最短路所有边+最小割】

题意:   给一个有向图,删除每一条边的代价是边的长度,要求花费最小的代价,使得 1→n1\to n1→n最短路变长,求该最小花费。 思路:   要使得最短路变长,那么删除的边一定要破坏原来的最短路。即要先把所有最短路的所有边找出来,通过删除某几条边,使得所有的最短路无效。   如何

HDU - 6582 Path

Years later, Jerry fell in love with a girl, and he often walks for a long time to pay visits to her. But, because he spends too much time with his girlfriend, Tom feels neglected and wants to prevent him from visiting her.  After doing some research on t

2019 航电多校第一场 E HDU 6582 Path

E HDU 6582 Path 使当前最短路 权值变了就行 同时坎的权值尽可能少 我们考虑求出最短路图 然后跑最小割 可以确定 d[v] == DJ.val[i] + d[u] 就是 最短路图上的边 加入网络流图中 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <queue> using namespace std; typedef l