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[LeetCode] 588. Design In-Memory File System

  Design a data structure that simulates an in-memory file system. Implement the FileSystem class: FileSystem() Initializes the object of the system. List<String> ls(String path) If path is a file path, returns a list that only contains this file&

【颜色识别】基于matlab机器视觉颜色识别系统【含Matlab源码 588期】

一、简介 基于matlab 机器视觉颜色识别系统 二、源代码 function varargout = maingui(varargin) % MAINGUI M-file for maingui.fig % MAINGUI, by itself, creates a new MAINGUI or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = MAINGUI returns the handle to a

MySQL报错:Packet for query is too large (2,588 > 2,048).

Packet for query is too large (2,588 > 2,048).   问题现象 最近遇到一个这个奇怪的问题,在批量往数据库中插入数时,报错: Caused by: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (2,588 > 2,048). You can change this value on the

Codeforces Round #588 (Div. 2) B. Ania and Minimizing(构造)

链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1230/problem/B 题意: Ania has a large integer S. Its decimal representation has length n and doesn't contain any leading zeroes. Ania is allowed to change at most k digits of S. She wants to do it in such a way that S

Codeforces 588

A \(n^2\) 删点+暴力更新+bfs。 Code #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long D; typedef pair<D,D> P; const int maxn=7003; int n,tot[maxn]; P a[maxn]; bool del[maxn]; bitset<maxn> b[maxn]; queue<int> q; int main(){

Codeforces Round #588 (Div. 1) C. Konrad and Company Evaluation

直接建反边暴力 复杂度分析见https://blog.csdn.net/Izumi_Hanako/article/details/101267502 #include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int MAXN = 100005;ll out[MAXN], in[MAXN];vector<int> G[MAXN];int main() { int n, m;

B. Ania and Minimizing (Codeforces Round #588 (Div. 2) )

Ania has a large integer SS. Its decimal representation has length nn and doesn't contain any leading zeroes. Ania is allowed to change at most kk digits of SS. She wants to do it in such a way that SS still won't contain any leading zeroes