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Wall Painting HDU - 4810(按位算贡献)

题目 Ms.Fang loves painting very much. She paints GFW(Great Funny Wall) every day. Every day before painting, she produces a wonderful color of pigments by mixing water and some bags of pigments. On the K-th day, she will select K specific bags of pigme

4810. 【NOIP2016提高A组五校联考1】道路规划

Description Input Output Sample Input 5 1 4 5 2 3 3 4 2 1 5 Sample Output 3 Data Constraint Hint 】 Solution 对于 n 较小的点,我们可以看成图论模型。如果第 i 个条道路与第 j 条道路相交,那么 我们把第 i 个点和第 j 个点连一条边。那么题目要求的就是求最大团。

4810. 【NOIP2016提高A组五校联考1】道路规划 (Standard IO)

  Time Limits: 1000 ms  Memory Limits: 524288 KB  Detailed Limits   Description Input Output Sample Input 5 1 4 5 2 3 3 4 2 1 5 Sample Output 3 Data Constraint Hint Source / Author: 学军中学 road   题解: 显然最长下降子序列。 O(n log n)算法: