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July 7th, 2019. Week 27th, Sunday

We laughed and kept syaing "see you soon", but inside we both knew we would never see each other again. 我们笑着说再见,但我们都心知肚明,再见遥遥无期。 From The Legend of 1900. That is ture, just like sometimes we would say "I will do it in the future." or &

July 07th. 2018, Week 27th. Saturday

Soon is not as good as now. 别谈未来,现在就行动。 From Seth Godin. I always told myself that I should finish what I should do as soon as possible, but the ending might be always the same: The things were finished just before the deadlines with poor quality. And


T1 题目虽然叫循环流,但是本题却和网络流没有什么关系,你只需要循环流的性质,流入量等于流出量就好。 好的,我们来看下一数据范围。 是不是突然觉得稳了?我们有a,b两种边,那么枚举每一条边,然后枚举两两点对,显然有一个复杂度为\((n*n)^{a+b}\)*n的算法,就是枚举所有情况,然后判断是否可

July 01st. 2018, Week 27th. Sunday

Empty your cup so that it may be filled. 清空杯子,方能再次装满。 From Bruce Lee. We can't learn anything new if we already feel that we know. Please stay humble, please open ourselves to new ideas, and be willing to change our preconceptions. But it is difficul