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2492. HH的项链

题目链接 2492. HH的项链 HH 有一串由各种漂亮的贝壳组成的项链。 HH 相信不同的贝壳会带来好运,所以每次散步完后,他都会随意取出一段贝壳,思考它们所表达的含义。 HH 不断地收集新的贝壳,因此他的项链变得越来越长。 有一天,他突然提出了一个问题:某一段贝壳中,包含了多少种不同的贝壳?

A Bug‘s Life POJ 2492 加权并查集

A Bug’s Life POJ 2492 加权并查集 传送门:http://poj.org/problem?id=2492 Description Background Professor Hopper is researching the sexual behavior of a rare species of bugs. He assumes that they feature two different genders and that they only interact

A Bug's Life(带权并查集)POJ - 2492

Bug有两种性别,异性之间才交往, 让你根据数据判断是否存在同性恋,输入有 t 组数据,每组数据给出bug数量n, 和关系数m, 以下m行给出相交往的一对Bug编号 a, b。只需要判断有没有,按题目要求输出。   思路:我们开一个两倍的数组,存上对应的关系。 例如:有n个bug,其中(2, 3),(3,4),(2,4)是交往关

POJ 2492种类并查集(给出两种解法)

   A Bug's Life Background Professor Hopper is researching the sexual behavior of a rare species of bugs. He assumes that they feature two different genders and that they only interact with bugs of the opposite gender. In his experiment, individual b

poj 2492 A Bug's Life(种类并查集)

#include<cstdio>int s[4020];//开两倍空间数组int find(int x){ return x==s[x]?s[x]:s[x]=find(s[x]);//压缩路径,否则可能会超时}void Union(int x,int y){ s[find(x)]=find(y);}int main(){ int cnt=1,t; int m,n; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ int flag=0; scanf("

A Bug's Life POJ 2492

D - A Bug's Life 二分图 并查集 BackgroundProfessor Hopper is researching the sexual behavior of a rare species of bugs. He assumes that they feature two different genders and that they only interact with bugs of the opposite gender. In his experiment, indi