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LeetCode-1331. 数组序号转换_JavaScript

给你一个整数数组 arr ,请你将数组中的每个元素替换为它们排序后的序号。 序号代表了一个元素有多大。序号编号的规则如下: 序号从 1 开始编号。 一个元素越大,那么序号越大。如果两个元素相等,那么它们的序号相同。 每个数字的序号都应该尽可能地小。 示例 1: 输入:arr = [4

[LeetCode] 1331. Rank Transform of an Array

Given an array of integers arr, replace each element with its rank. The rank represents how large the element is. The rank has the following rules: Rank is an integer starting from 1. The larger the element, the larger the rank. If two elements are equal

UVa 1331

DP思路,同时利用到了简单计算几何。 对于给定坐标计算面积的,推荐使用矢量叉积计算,此外,这道题需要考虑三角形各边是否是多边形对角线的情况(即凹多边形特殊情况) 事实上check函数并不严格判定这种连线是否落在多边形内的情况(一个凹多边形,内角大于180处三个连续点就是一种排查不出来的

1331. 数组序号转换

这个朋友写的非常棒:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/rank-transform-of-an-array/solution/c-by-eric-345-63/ class Solution { public: //二分查找 int binary_search(vector<int>& arr, int num) { int left = 0; int right = arr.size()


题目链接 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #define maxn 100005 using namespace std; int n,m; int val[maxn],num[maxn],siz[maxn],ch[maxn][3],fa[maxn],maxx[maxn],sum[maxn],flag[maxn],cnt,root; void pushup(int x) { siz[

1331. Rank Transform of an Array

Given an array of integers arr, replace each element with its rank. The rank represents how large the element is. The rank has the following rules: Rank is an integer starting from 1. The larger the element, the larger the rank. If two elements are equal