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1、字符串和十进制互转(0ms,100%;5.8MB,75%) 1 int maximum69Number (int num) { 2 //to_string()将数值转化为字符串,并返回字符串 3 string str=to_string(num); 4 //遍历字符串并引用单个字符 5 for(char& ch:str){ 6 if(ch=='6leetcode 1323 python
1323. 6 和 9 组成的最大数字 难度 简单 | 标签 数学 Description 给你一个仅由数字 6 和 9 组成的正整数 num。 你最多只能翻转一位数字,将 6 变成 9,或者把 9 变成 6 。 请返回你可以得到的最大数字。 示例 1: 输入:num = 9669 输出:9969 解释: 改变第一位数字可以得到 6661323. 6 和 9 组成的最大数字
解题思路: 从左到右查找第一个非9数字,找到了则翻转,未找到则直接返回源数字。 class Solution { public int maximum69Number (int num) { //从左到右查找第一个非9数字 //找到了则翻转,未找到则直接返回源数字 String str=num+""; String rLightOJ - 1323 - Billiard Balls(模拟)
链接: https://vjudge.net/problem/LightOJ-1323 题意: You are given a rectangular billiard board, L and W be the length and width of the board respectively. Unlike other billiard boards it doesn't have any pockets. So, the balls move freely in the board. ATCP
RFC 1323 - TCP Extensions for High Performance RFC 2488 - Enhancing TCP Over Satellite Channels usingpoj_1323 Game Prediction 贪心
Game Prediction Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 11814 Accepted: 5701 Description Suppose there are M people, including you, playing a special card game. At the beginning, each player receives N cards. The pip of a