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Windows fsutil file createNew 5MB 5242880 fsutil file createNew 50MB 52428800 fsutil file createNew 500MB 524288000 fsutil file createNew 5000MB 5242880000 fsutil file createNew 1GB 1073741824 fsutil file createNew 2GB 2147483648 fsutil file createNew 3G

012 The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes.

上传图片时会出现该错误      解决办法: Spring Boot 1.3.x之前 multipart.maxFileSize=100Mb multipart.maxRequestSize=200Mb Spring Boot 1.4.x spring.http.multipart.maxFileSize=100Mb spring.http.multipart.maxRequestSize=200Mb  Spring Boot 2.0之后 spring.

vulkan physical device freatue limit

Property.apiVersion - Property.apiVersion - Property.driverVersion - Property.vendorID

【Hadoop报错】The directory item limit of /tmp/hadoop-yarn/staging/history/done_intermediate/hdfs is exc

问题描述:调度系统执行hive任务失败,一直执行失败,报错如下: java.io.IOException: java.net.ConnectException: Call From #HostName/#IP to #HostName:10020 failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: 拒绝连接; For more details see: http://wiki.apache.org/h

mysql缓存问题 相关参数的查看

查询缓存参数 show global variables like '%query_cache%'; have_query_cache       YES #查询缓存是否可用 query_cache_limit       1048576 #可缓存具体查询结果的最大值 query_cache_min_res_unit  4096 query_cache_size       1048576 #查询

oracle 11gR2 RAC存储迁移

oracle 11gR2 RAC存储迁移  原创 乔巴超人2014-03-16 16:15:04博主文章分类:oracle©著作权 文章标签oracle rac 存储迁移文章分类Oracle数据库阅读数3777 1、关闭节点1服务,挂载裸设备并创建ASM磁盘,由于是RAC,节点2服务并没有停止,所以业务能正常运行; 关闭节点1上的CRS服务