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#include <iostream> using namespace std; //函数常见样式 //1.无参无返 void test01() { cout << "test01" << endl; } //2.有参无返 void test02(int a) { cout << "test02" << a << endl; } //3.无参有返 int test03()

052 程序设计方法学



上期答案 [101] 类和对象有什么区别? 类是可以组合在一起的一组属性和相关行为。 对象是类的实例,表示具有属性和行为的真实实体。 可以使用类数据成员来表示属性,而可以使用方法来表示行为。 例如:可以将动物表示为一类,而不同的动物(如狗,猫等)可以是该动物的对象。 [102] C++的类和结


实例说明   本实例将介绍如何应用CSS样式来统一网站的风格。 关键技术 字体属性 字体属性包含字体的颜色、字体的大小、字体的风格等 颜色和背景属性 CSS中的颜色属性用于设置页面元素的颜色,背景属性用于设置背景颜色或背景图像, 边框属性 边框属性用于设置元素的边框宽


性味:味苦,性大寒。又名朴(po,四声)硝。 归经:足阳明胃经,手阳明大肠经。 功效:   1)《临证用药经验》:《本经》:“除寒热邪气,逐六腑积聚,结固留癖,能化七十二种石。”与莱菔子同煮加工后成为结晶状白末,即玄明粉,作用较芒硝缓和。本品为盐类泻下药,能堕胎,故孕妇忌用。畏三棱。     消结石

S2-052 漏洞复现

Structs2框架已知的漏洞编号如下: S2-005 S2-009 S2-016 (含S2-013) S2-019 S2-020 S2-021 S2-032 S2-037(含S2-033) DevMode S2-045 S2-046 S2-048 S2-052 S2-055 S2-057   S2-052(CVE-2017-9805)环境: https://github.com/Medicean/VulApps/tree/master/s/struts2/s2-052   访问


Examine the facts about a database: 1.USERS is the database default tablespace. 2.USER1,USER2,and USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege. 3.They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default tablespace USERS. 4.They have no other privileges. Examine these com


Examine these facts about a database: 1.USER is the database default tablespace. 2.USER1, USER2, and USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege. 3.They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default tablespace USERS. 4.They have no other privileges. Examine these


USER1 grants SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on USER1.EMP to USER2. Sys executes this command: SQL> REVOKE UPDATE ON user1.emp FROM user1; What will be the outcome? A)It will fail because USER1 is the owner of USER1.EMP. B)It will succeed but nei


Your DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE IS 8G,Currently,5G of the space is used of which 4G consists of obsolete backups, You execute this command; SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET db_recovery_file_dest_size=2G; What is the outcome? A) It changes DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SI


Your database is open in archive mode. LOG_archive_DEST is set to Fast Recovery Area (FRA) and It is 100% full when a log switch takes place. No alternative or optional archive destinations are defined. What is the outcome? A)Obsolete backups are automati


Which two are true about the Fast Recovery Area (FRA)? A)It should be larger than the database. B)Only consistent backups can be stored in the FRA. C)Space management in the FRA is influenced by the database backup retention policy. D)It must reside on th


Which two statements are true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) ? A)It only exists if DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is configured in the SPFILE. B)It includes diagnostic data for critical errors for background processes. C)It only contains the alert log.


Which is true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) ? A) It is used only if the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter is manually configured. B) It only contains the alert log and trace files for background processes. C) Its location is always set by the OR


Which three are true about the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)? A)It improves database performance by automatically implementing Oracle ‘s best practices. B)It can assist the DBA in diagnosing database instance startup failures. C)It can be u


Examine this command: SQL> CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE report_work_area (startdate DATE, enddate DATE, class CHAR(20)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; Which three statements are true about rows inserted into REPORT_WORK_AREA? A)Rows will be lost if a ROLLBA


You want to access employee details contained in flat files created by an application. Which two methods will achieve this? A)Use a BFILE column in a table to access the flat file. B)Use an Oracle Loader type External table. C)Use an Oracle Data Pump type


Which two are true about external tables? A)They can be stored in an ASM Cluster File System(ACFS). B)They can always be updated using SQL. C)They support the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. D)They have extents. E)They support all DML operations. Answer: A


Which is true about external tables? A)Segments are allocated for external tables. B)They may have indexes. C)They do not support partitioning. D)The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can be used to write data to external tables. E)DML operations may be perfo


You successfully executed these commands: connect scott/tiger@prod1; CREATE DATABASE LINK db_prod2 CONNECT TO scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger USING 'PROD2'; Which type of database link is created? A)private current user database link B)public connecte


Examine this session output: SQL> connect scott/tiger Connected. SQL>select name,value 2 from v$parameter 3 where name='audit_trail'; NAME VALUE audit_trail DB SQL> audit all on emp; Audit succeeded. Which two will generate on audit re


Which four are true about auditing? A)DML statements can be audited when they fail to execute B)Select statements can be audited when they execute successfully. C)All Oracle auditing operations occur by default. D)No Oracle auditing operations occur by de


Which three are true about auditing? A)Auditing is active only when the database is OPEN. B)Audit records are always stored in the database. C)Audit of the use of system privileges can be enabled for individual database users. D)DDL statements can be audi


You want to audit update statements that refer to USER1.DEPT.DNAME. Which type of auditing must you use? A)standard auditing B)mandatory auditing C)value-based auditing D)fine-grained auditing Answer: D 赵: Fine-Grained Audit(FGA),精细审计。是 Audit 的一种特殊方


Examine these facts about objects in the SYSTEM schema: 1.EMP is a table. 2.EMP_PK is a primary key constraint on EMP.ENO. 3.EMP_IDX is an index on EMP.MGR_NO. 4.EMP_SEQ is a sequence used to generate values for EMP.ENO. 5.EMP_OPS_PKG is a package that pe