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LeetCode 0207 Course Schedule

原题传送门 1. 题目描述 2. Solution 1 1、思路分析 This problem is equivalent to detecting a cycle in the directed graph represented by prerequisites. Both BFS and DFS can be used to solve it using the idea of topological sort. Since pair<int, int> is inconven

每日一题 0207

(2022.02.07)每日一题 最长快乐字符串 贪心,我真的贪不出来啊。。。。。 今天除了自己写写不出来,调试了快俩小时,然后理解官方题解,然后就是看labuladong的算法书以及左程云的算法视频,总结快排,归并,master公式,小和问题以及逆序问题(涉及归并),荷兰国旗问题(涉及快排),快排的三种方式,分: 1、小于

