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2022年雅思口语题库1月-4月汇总(1)part 2&3 新题汇总(1)

来源:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述一个在社交媒体上关注的人 Describe a person you follow on social media You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she posts on social media And explain why you follow him/her on social med


​  ♥  前  言 2021到了最后一个月份,年后肯定有蛮多小伙伴需要跳槽换工作,但对于年限稍短的软件测试工程师,难免会需要进行笔试,而在笔试中,基本都会碰到一道关于数据库的大题,今天这篇文章呢,就收录了下最近学员反馈上来的一些数据库笔试真题,包含答案!   1、依据以下学生表、班级表


乾颐堂DC数据中心CCIE,在增加新题的情况下一次PASS! 目前笔试、lab都在过人,需要备考的同学联系乾颐堂,机时充足!


每天带你刷题?怎么可能?毕竟没做的题已经没几道了。好不容易有新题,才能更新了虽然叫杂货,但是除了刷题就是猫,很干净。 不过我这个刷题系列,还是有难度的,毕竟是图文直播,思路都是即兴发挥并分享,翻车几率还是很大的。大家会觉得我会不会先看好答案再写文章,那绝对不会的哦~ 我的思路模


Bugku Misc新题 文章目录 Bugku Misc新题皇家马德里三色绘恋贝斯手赛得朋克Photo的自我修养 皇家马德里 解压两个加密压缩包 对key.zip伪加密解得falg文件,用winhex查看 一看很像摩斯密码 培根一般是五个一组所以不是培根 转摩斯A: . B:- 得到 --.. .. .--. -.-. .-. -.


马上又要到金三银四,想着面试大军可能也过不了几天就要来了。所以今天给大家分享“京东和字节的面经,每家一二三面,我想大家可以自己测试一下能坚持到哪里。   京东三面 一面 1. 自我介绍   2. 常用的数据结构有哪些?并大说了一些操作的时间复杂度   3. 数组从下标最大的删与最

【2020年8月】OCP 071考试新题(-2题)CUUG内部题库

【2020年8月】OCP 071考试新题(-2题)CUUG内部题库 Choose two. Which two are true about unused columns? A) You can query the data dictionary to see the names of unused columns. B) CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified when setting a column to unused if that column

2020年8月份OCP 071考试新题(-1)CUUG内部考试

2020年8月份OCP 071考试新题(-1)CUUG内部考试 Choose two. Examine this query: SELECT * FROM bricks , colors; Which two statements are true? A) You can add a WHERE clause with filtering criteria. B) It returns the same rows as SELECT * FROM bricks CROSS JOIN color


原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/riasky/p/3478740.html    Why does the number of blocks for the table remain the sale after the shrink operation? A.Because the table did not contain migrated or chained rows


52题、choose one When is the UNDO_RETENTION parameter value ignored by a transaction? A) when Flashback Database is enabled B) when the undo tablespace is of a fixed size and retention guarantee is not enabled C) when there are multiple undo tablespaces ava


51题、choose one The HR. DEPARTMENTS table is the parent of the HR. EMPLOYEES table. The EMPLOYEES . DEPARTMENT_ID column has a foreign key constraint with the ON DELETE CASCADE option that refers to the DEPARTMENTS. DEPARTMENT_ID column. An index exists on


choose two Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. You want to take a consistent whole database backup. Which two statements are true in this scenario? A) RMAN backups contain only data files. B) The database must be in MOUNT state to take consistent


choose two Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. You want to take a consistent whole database backup. Which two statements are true in this scenario? A) RMAN backups contain only data files. B) The database must be in MOUNT state to take consistent

【有新题】OCP 12c 062出现大量新考题-14

choose two You plan to upgrade your Oracle Database 9i to Oracle Database 12c. Which two methods can you use? A) Perform a direct upgrade by manually running the catctl.pl and catupgrd.sql scripts before issuing the STARTUPUPGRADE command. B) Upgrade your

OCP 062大量考试新题(2019年)-12

Your database is configured in archivelog mode. Examine the RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; # default CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION OFF; # default CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP OFF; # default CONFIGURE DEVICE


11.Your database is in archivelog mode. You want to disable archiving for the database. Examine these steps: Execute the alter database noarchivelog command. Execute shutdown immediate. Execute startup mount. Set the db_recovery_file_dest paramete


10.Which two statements are true about SQL*Loader Express Mode in an Oracle 12c database? A) It can load data in parallel. B) No data file needs to be specified. C) It loads data faster than conventional SQL*Loader. D) lt loads data more efficiently than

【ocp新题】OCP 12c 062认证考试出现大量新题-8

Which are two ways for a database service to be recognized by a listener in Oracle Database 12c? A) Static registration in the listener.ora file using the service_name parameter B) Dynamic Registration by the smon process C) Static registration in the li

【OCP 062新题】OCP题库更新出现大量新题-9

9.You ran this command on a source database: $> expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dumpdir DUMPFILE=empl.dmp VIEWS_AS_TABLES=emp_dept On the target database, you run this command: impdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dumpdir DUMPFILE=empl.dmp VIEWS_AS_TABLES=emp_dept Which two st

【2019】OCP 12c 062题库更新大量新题-7

7.daily_ords_lst is created in locally managed tablespace ORDERS_TBS which uses automatic segment space management. CREATE TABLE daily_ords_list (ordno NUMBER, ord_date DATE) PCTFREE 20; Which two are true ? A) 80% of every data block in daily_ords_lst is

【新题】OCP 062题库出现很多新题-6

6.Which four statements are true about database instance behavior? A) Redo log files can be renamed in mount state. B) Datafiles can be renamed in mount state. C) All dynamic performance views (v$ views) return data when queried from a session connected t

(2019)OCP 12c 062考试题库出现大量新题-4

4.Which four are true about creating and running a remote database scheduler jobs? A) A credential is optional for a remote database job. B) A database destination group must exist or be created for a job to run on multiple remote databases. C) A destinat

【新题】ocp 062 2019年考试新题-3

  3.A database is open read write and the instance has multiple sessions some of which have active transactions.   You execute this command:   SQL> ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION;   Which three are true about the active transactions?   A) The