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1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(III)

1.1.3 Background Reading(III)     Give the careers staff a call and arrange a visit. Many advisers are specialists in particular work areas and will have seen examples of good and bad practice in graduate recruitment. They will know the best recruitment m


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2.1 一.请仔细阅读《提问的智慧》,用自己的话描述你的收获,并举例子说明应该如何提问。 答:1.提问是思考的另一种方式,一个好的提问能体现出我们在认真的,聪明的思考;         2.做什么事情都要经过自己的思考和努力,才去向优秀的人请教,这是在提问中提升自己的前提,也是对别人的一


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