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U校园新标准大学英语(第二版)视听说2 Unit1答案



Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. He doesn't like Mrs. Jones.
B. His apartment is too expensive.
C. He's going to study abroad.
D. His apartment is too old.
1) B
M: Mrs. Jones, I'm afraid I'm not going to renew my apartment lease for next year, I need to find some place more affordable.
W: I'm sorry to hear that, Greg. You were always a good tenant.
Q1: Why won't Greg renew his lease and stay in his apartment?
∧ 收起答案
A. British Litigation.
B. British Litter.
C. British Literacy.
D. British Literature.
2) D
W: Have you signed up for next term's classes yet?
M: I sure have. I decided to take Professor Clark's British lit class.
W: Really? That's a tough class. Good luck.
Q2: What kind of class is the man going to take?
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A. People born during and after World War I.
B. People born during and after the Vietnam War.
C. People born during and after World War II.
D. People born during and after the Korean War.
3) C
M: My mother is really paying attention to her savings in this bad economy.
W: I'm sure a lot of people are worried, especially baby-boomers who are close to retirement.
Q3: What does the woman mean by 'baby-boomers'?
∧ 收起答案
A. Support the college president.
B. Remove the college president from office.
C. Destroy the college president's office.
D. Throw the college president from a window.
4) B
W: Did you see the news this morning?
M: Yes, about the students in Sydney.
W: Yes, can you believe it! They've taken over the school and are trying to overthrow the president of the college!
M: From what I understand, they have legitimate complaints though.
Q4: What are the students in Sydney trying to do?
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A. A farmer who almost defeated the Roman Empire.
B. A farmer who joined and fought for the Roman Empire.
C. Two brothers named David and Goliath.
D. The rise of the Roman Empire.
5) A
M: I just finished reading a fascinating historical novel about a David and Goliath story set during the Roman Empire.
W: Oh I've read that book. It was about a poor farmer who almost brought the empire to its knees, right?
M: That's the one.
Q5: What is the book about that the two people are describing?
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Listen to a long conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. Rely on.
B. Turn toward.
C. Stay away from.
D. Disappear into.
A. There are a lot of dangerous drugs available that could hurt her.
B. He took drugs and knows how bad they all are.
C. Drugs make you irresponsible.
D. She should spend her time at college studying and getting good grades.
A. Critical.
B. Cautious.
C. Understanding.
D. Loving.
6) C 7) A 8) A
M: Stephanie, do you have a second?
W: Sure dad, what's up?
M: I think we should talk about a few things before you go off to college.
W: Oh, no, what now? I am almost 19, I can take care of myself.
M: I know you can but that doesn’t mean I stop being your father. You need to be very careful almost all the time, and now more than ever. You should steer clear off drugs.
W: Oh dad, I’m always careful and college is all about experimentation, right? I’ve seen pictures of you back in the day smoking marijuana.
M: You are right, I did smoke marijuana when I was in school. But time was different then. We did that mainly as a means of rebellion against the establishment.
W: And that made it alright?
M: Of course not, but there are lots of different drugs available nowadays and many of them are really dangerous. I just don’t want you to hurt yourself.
W: I know dad. I will be careful, I promise.
M: Most of all I want you to have fun – responsible fun.
W: I will dad and thanks. I love you!

Q6: Which of the following has the similar meaning to the phrase "steer clear off"?
Q7: What is the main reason that the man wants his daughter not to take drugs?
Q8: Which of the following words does not describe the man's attitude towards his daughter?
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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wukong2020/p/14772333.html