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1.part of speech 词性 also known as part of writing

Usually, there are eight parts of speech that are commonly discussed in grammar books: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and article.

adjective adverb agreement 肯定句
article 冠词 auxiliary verb 补语 comparative
compound noun 合成词 conditional 条件状语 conjunction 连词
continuous 进行时 contraction 否定 count noun 数词
demonstrative pronoun 指示代词 determiner 所有格以及wh-ever词 direct object 具体名词
future tense/aspect 将来时 gerund 
[ˈdʒerənd] 动名词(v-ing)
infinitive 不定形(to do)
intransitive verb vi 不及物动词 irregular noun 不规则变复数的名词 irregular verb 不规则动词
mass noun 单复同型 modal 情态动词 modifier 修饰词(five new classroom, eager student)
noun participle 独立主格(好像) past tense
perfect tense phrasal verb 动词短语 plural
possessive 所有格 preposition 介词prep present tense
pronoun 人称代词 proper noun 专有名词 reflexive pronoun 反身代词
relative pronoun 从句的先行词(好像) that,whose,one之类 subjunctive 虚拟语气后的动词,比如should do的这个do,xx that you do的do superlative 最高级
transitive verb 及物动词 vt verb



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/hmwr/p/14245833.html