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Chapter 1

  1. A difference between strategic and tactical goals is?
    答案:a 正确
    a. strategic goals are long-term in nature whereas tactical goals are short-term.
    b. tactical goals are more important for a project than strategic goals.
    c. tactical goals encompass broader dimensions than strategic goals.
    d. strategic goals are more specific than tactical goals.
  2. Which attribute is true of low-end tools of project management software?
    a. They are referred to as enterprise project management software.
    b. They are designed for especially large projects with multiple users.
    c. Their main advantage is that they have unlimited functionality.
    正确d. They provide basic project management features
  3. Steve, an engineer in a construction company, is at present working on a home construction project. The home is being built for the Robinson family, the owners of the home. Steve is working with his project team and support staff to ensure the project is completed on time. In such a scenario, the project sponsor is _____.
    a. the support staff
    正确b. the Robinson family
    c. the project team
    d. Steve
  4. Which attribute best defines the role of leaders?
    a. They work solely toward day-to-day details of meeting specific tasks.
    正确b. They inspire people to reach goals.
    c. They focus on short-term objectives.
    d. They work on achieving primarily tactical goals.
  5. Project procurement(采购) management mainly involves:
    正确a. buying goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization.
    b. generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information.
    c. identifying and analyzing stakeholder needs while managing and controlling their engagement(参与).
    d. making effective use of the people involved with the project.
  6. Which goal distinguishes project management and portfolio management?
    a. Portfolio management is an easy task whereas project management is a more difficult task.
    b. Project management involves making wise investment decisions whereas portfolio management does not.
    正确c. Project management addresses specific, short-term goals whereas portfolio management focuses on long-term goals.
    d. Portfolio management asks questions like, “Are we carrying out projects efficiently?” whereas project management asks questions such as “Are we investing in the right areas?”
  7. A Gantt chart is a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in a ____ format.
    a. bar graph
    正确b. calendar
    c. pie chart
    d. line graph
  8. Galaxy, a construction company, buys a particular brand of tiles manufactured by Tiles and Floors, an eco-friendly tile manufacturing company. However, Tiles and Floors has declared bankruptcy and closed down. At present, Galaxy is facing a crisis because there are no other manufacturers in the market that supplies eco-friendly tiles. Which constraint is Galaxy currently facing?
    a. Scope
    b. Cost
    c. Time
    正确d. Resources
  9. Enterprise project management software is also known as a _____ tool of project management software.
    a. low-end
    b. midrange
    c. baseline
    正确d. high-end
  10. A _____ is an organizational group responsible for coordinating the project management function throughout an organization.
    正确a. Project Management Office
    b. Portfolio Group
    c. Project Management Center
    d. Project Management Professional
  11. Joe is a project manager in an IT company and has over the years, gained substantial knowledge in his area of work. However, while managing his team, he often loses his temper. In addition, he fails to be an active listener when his team members approach him with work related challenges. In which of the following areas does Joe need to develop his skills in?
    a. Project environment knowledge
    b. Standards and regulations
    c. Application area knowledge
    正确d. Human relations skills
  12. In which of the following areas of management is payback analysis most likely to be used?
    a. Resource
    正确b. Cost
    c. Communication
    d. Quality
  13. Which of the following is true of program managers?
    a. They are responsible solely for the delivery of project results.
    正确b. They provide leadership and direction for project managers heading the projects within a program.
    c. They report to project managers who represent the next level in the hierarchy.
    d. They recognize that managing a program is simpler than managing a project.
  14. A _____ is a tool used in risk management.
    正确a. probability matrix
    b. work breakdown structure
    c. critical path analysis
    d. project organizational chart
  15. What is a difference between low-end and midrange tools of the project management software?
    a. Midrange tools provide basic project management features whereas low-end tools offer enterprise and portfolio management functions.
    b. Low-end tools are designed to handle primarily multiple users whereas midrange tools are created to handle single users.
    c. Low-end tools provide robust capabilities to handle dispersed workgroups whereas midrange tools do not.
    正确d. Midrange tools are designed to handle larger projects than low-end tools.
  16. Which of the following questions reflects the strategic goals of project portfolio management?
    a. Are we carrying out projects well?
    b. Are projects on time and on budget?
    c. Do stakeholders know what they should be doing?
    正确d. Are we investing in the right areas?
  17. Which objective is true of projects?
    正确a. They have a unique purpose.
    b. They have an indefinite beginning and end.
    c. They are permanent in nature.
    d. They are developed using regressive elaboration.
  18. Fast tracking is an example of a tool used in _____ management.
    a. quality
    正确b. schedule
    c. risk
    d. communication
  19. A _____ is a tool used in quality management.
    a. request for proposal
    b. critical path analysis
    正确c. checklist
    d. probability matrix
  20. The role of a _____ is to provide direction and funding for a project.
    a. project team
    正确b. project sponsor
    c. support staff member
    d. project manager
  21. Which knowledge area involves defining and managing all the work required to complete the project successfully?
    a. Project time management
    b. Project resource management
    正确c. Project scope management
    d. Project cost management
  22. An important tool for project scope management is _____.
    正确a. a work breakdown structure
    b. a kickoff meeting
    c. a Gantt chart
    d. fast tracking
  23. Which characteristic highlights a difference between projects and operations?
    a. Projects are undertaken to sustain an organization’s business whereas operations are not.
    正确b. Projects are temporary endeavors whereas an organization’s operations are ongoing in nature.
    c. Operations have well-defined objectives whereas projects do not need to have a unique purpose.
    d. Operations are undertaken to create unique products, services, or results whereas projects are not.
  24. Martha works as a project manager at a bank. Due to certain changes in external factors, Martha needs to make a few alterations in the tactical goals of her project. In such a scenario, which of the following will best help Martha cope with the change?
    a. Motivation
    b. Soft skills
    c. Negotiation
    正确d. Project environment knowledge
  25. Team building exercises and motivation techniques are tools used in _____ management.
    正确a. resource
    b. procurement
    c. scope
    d. cost

Chapter 2

  1. In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the most authority?
  1. Which characteristic of organizational culture refers to the degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment?
a.Risk tolerance
*b.Open-systems focus
c.Conflict tolerance
d.Means-ends orientation
  1. In a _____organizational structure, program managers, rather than functional managers or vice presidents, report to the CEO. Their staffs have a variety of skills needed to complete all required tasks within their programs.
  1. Which characteristic is true of virtual teams?
a.Negative incentives do not impact virtual team members.
b.It is easier for a virtual team to build relationships and trust.
*c.It is important to select team members carefully.
d.As they never meet, virtual teams do not have conflicts.
  1. In which product life cycle the scope, schedule, and cost are determined early, and changes to scope are carefully managed?
  1. Which of the following is true of a matrix organizational structure?
a.In a matrix organizational structure, employees are organized into departments according to their skills, and there is little interaction between employees from different departments.
b.A matrix organizational structure is hierarchical, but instead of functional managers reporting to the CEO, program managers report to the CEO.
c.Project managers in matrix organizations have staff from only a single functional area working on their projects.
*d.In a strong matrix organizational structure, the project manager controls the project budget and has moderate to high authority.
  1. The symbolic perspective of an organization:

    a.focuses on different groups’ roles and responsibilities to meet the goals and policies set by top management.
    b.views the organization as coalitions composed of varied individuals and interest groups.
    *c.focuses on the meanings of the culture, language, traditions, and image of the organization.
    d.focuses on providing harmony between the needs of the organization and the needs of people.
  2. In which systems development life cycle do model developers use a model to generate functional requirements and physical design specifications simultaneously?

    a.Waterfall life cycle
    b.Spiral life cycle
    *c.Prototyping life cycle
    d.RAD life cycle
  3. Grey’s Infotech sells customized hardware and software solutions for businesses. The salespeople for Grey’s have a strict dress code when meeting clients. They are required to wear dark business suits, in order to convey the company’s dedication to quality. The meaning conveyed to the clients’ through the salespeople’s clothing is part of the _____ frame of the organization.

    c.human resources
  4. Which observation is true of the agile approach to software development?

    *a.In the agile method, requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration.
    b.Agile is a predictive model of software development.
    c.In the agile approach, requirements must be clearly expressed early in the life cycle.
    d.An agile approach sets scope goals, but leaves time and cost goals flexible.
  5. Which of the following is true of the project life cycle?

    a.More resources are usually needed during the initial phases of a project than during the middle or final phases.
    *b.In the early phases of a project life cycle, resource needs are usually lowest.
    c.It is much more expensive to make major changes to a project during the earlier phases than the latter phases.
    d.In the later phases of the project life cycle, the level of uncertainty is usually the highest.
  6. In a _____ organizational structure, personnel often report to both a functional manager and one or more project managers.

  1. In organizational culture, what does control refer to?
a.The degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative, and risk seeking
*b.The degree to which rules, policies, and direct supervision are used to oversee employee behavior
c.The degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment
d.The degree to which management focuses on outcomes rather than on techniques and processes used to achieve results
  1. The _____ frame of an organization focuses on providing harmony between the needs of the organization and the needs of people.
*a.human resources
  1. Which term refers to a product or service, such as a technical report, a training session, a piece of hardware, or a segment of software code, produced or provided as part of a project?
  1. In organizational culture, what does people focus refer to?
a.The degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment
b.The degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative, and risk seeking
*c.The degree to which management’s decisions take into account the effect of outcomes on employees within the organization
d.The degree to which rules, policies, and direct supervision are used to oversee and control employee behavior
  1. In which development life cycle do stakeholders define and approve the detailed scope before the start on an iteration?
  1. Which statement best describes outsourcing?
a.An organization selling its products in a market outside its domestic market
*b.An organization’s acquisition of goods and services from an outside source
c.An organization setting up manufacturing and retailing facilities in a new country
d.An organization’s use of virtual teams with employees located in different countries
  1. Which perspective of an organization focuses on different groups’ roles and responsibilities in order to meet the goals and policies set by top management?
a.Human resources frame
b.Political frame
*c.Structural frame
d.Symbolic frame
  1. In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the least amount of authority?
  1. In organizational culture, what does means-end orientation refer to?
a.The degree to which rules, policies, and direct supervision are used to oversee and control employee behavior
*b.The degree to which management focuses on outcomes rather than on techniques and processes used to achieve results
c.The degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment
d.The degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative, and risk seeking
  1. Select an example of external stakeholders for an organization.
a.Top managers
b.Functional managers
  1. Which characteristic of organizational culture describes the degree to which management’s decisions take into account the effect of outcomes on people within the organization?
a.Member identity
*b.People focus
c.Group emphasis
d.Unit integration
  1. Which approach to product development is currently used by many organizations so a predictive set of steps is used as an overall means to coordinate more detailed steps that are adaptively managed?
  1. Which of the following best describes a kill point in the project life cycle?
a.The final submission of the project deliverables after which the project is terminated
b.The period of time given to managers during the feasibility phases to decide on the cost, quality, and time constraints for the project
*c.A review of the status of a project at each phase of development to determine if it should be continued, redirected, or terminated
d.The point of time in the project lifecycle after which it is impossible to terminate a running project

Chapter 3

  1. Which framework is an iterative software development process that focuses on team productivity and delivers software best practices to all team members?

    a.Six Sigma
    b.Dynamic Systems Development Method
    *c.Rational Unified Process
    d.Agile Unified Process
  2. Which activity is a part of the Scrum planning process?

    *a.Creating sprint backlog
    b.Completing tasks each day during sprints
    c.Determining how many sprints will compose each release
    d.Demonstrating the product during a sprint review meeting
  3. A _____ is usually not necessary to the Scrum method, because Scrum implies that team members work as a self-directed group.

    a.velocity estimate
    *b.team charter
    c.Gantt chart
    d.product backlog
  4. Which process includes measuring progress toward project objectives and taking corrective action to match progress with the plan?

    *d.Monitoring and controlling
  5. Which process involves gaining stakeholder and customer acceptance of the final products and services and bringing the project, or project phase, to an orderly end?

  6. What important Scrum artifact is used to graphically display progress on each sprint during the monitoring and controlling process?

    *b.burndown chart
    c.sprint backlog
    d.product backlog
  7. Which project would be compatible with the use of the agile approach?

    a.Projects with clear-up front requirements
    bb.Projects that have more flexible scheduling
    c.Projects with inexperienced and dispersed teams
    d.Projects that have a fairly rigid completion date
  8. Which processes include acquiring and developing the project team, performing quality assurance, distributing information, managing stakeholder expectations, and conducting procurements?

    d.monitoring and controlling
  9. Which planning process is within the Project Scope Management knowledge area?

    *a.Creation of a WBS
    b.Developing a project management plan
    c.Schedule development
    d.Quality planning
  10. Reporting performance, where project stakeholders can identify any necessary changes that may be required to keep the project on track, is a common part of which process?

    *a.monitoring and controlling
  11. What processes include defining and authorizing a project or project phase?

    c.Monitoring and controlling
  12. The organization recognizes that a new project exists and completes a project charter during which processes for a new project?

  13. What processes include devising and maintaining a workable scheme to ensure that the project addresses the organization’s needs?

    b.Monitoring and controlling
  14. The project schedule management knowledge area maps to which process group through the activity of schedule control?

    *c.monitoring and controlling
  15. What is the main purpose of project plans?

    a.define project scope
    *b.guide project execution
    c.schedule management plans
    d.estimate activity resources
  16. The project stakeholder management knowledge area maps to which process group by identifying stakeholders?

    c.monitoring and controlling
  17. An organizational process assets update(组织过程资产更新) is the output of which closing process?

    (*)a.project procurement management
    ***b.project integration management
    c.project time management
    d.project quality management
  18. What process group does the project integration management knowledge area map to through the activities of developing project charters?

    b.monitoring and controlling
  19. The project cost management knowledge area maps to which process group through the activities of estimating costs and budget determination?

    b.monitoring and controlling
  20. Which is an example of a pre-initiation task?

    a.Drawing up a work breakdown structure
    b.Drafting the project charter
    *c.Developing a business case for a project
    d.Identifying stakeholders
  21. Which is true about the agile method?

    *a.It uses several iterations or deliveries of software instead of waiting until the end of the project to provide a product.
    b.It is often used when a project team can express the scope early in the product life cycle.
    c.It is used when a project team wants to provide a potentially shippable product earlier rather than later.
    d.It is used when project teams want to use the predicative approach to a project.
  22. Which are outputs of the executing process of project integration management?

    a.Resource calendars
    b.Issue logs
    d.Enterprise environmental factor updates
  23. Which planning process is associated with project scope management?

    a.Performing qualitative risk analysis
    b.Planning schedule management
    *c.Collecting requirements
    d.Estimating costs
  24. Administrative activities, such as archiving project files, closing out contracts, documenting lessons learned, and receiving formal acceptance of the delivered work as part of the phase or project, are often involved in which processes?

    d.monitoring and controlling
  25. What is one of the main outputs of the initiation process?

    a.identifying the project sponsor
    b.selecting the project manager
    *c.developing the project charter
    d.creating the work breakdown structure
  26. What is often the most difficult and unappreciated process in project management?

    d.monitoring and controlling
  27. What process provides enterprise environmental factors as an output?

    a.project quality management
    b.project procurement management
    *c.project human resource management
    d.project integration management
  28. The project scope management knowledge area maps to which process group through the activities of scope validation and scope control?

    *c.monitoring and controlling
  29. What is developed in the Project Integration Management knowledge area?

    a.quality management
    b.schedule management plan
    *d.project management plan
  30. In the Scrum method, during which meeting is the improvement of the product and process discussed?

    *a.sprint retrospective
    b.sprint review
    c.daily Scrum
  31. What tool provides a basis for creating the project schedule and performing earned value management for measuring and forecasting project performance?

    a.cost management plan
    b.scope statement
    c.project charter
    *d.work breakdown structure

Source:NEU blackboard

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44992559/article/details/111372093