首页 > 其他分享> > 你知道我国一共赠送了多少只熊猫给外国吗?来看看这个数据可视化项目



Before 1983, pandas were gifted to other countries as diplomatic symbols of friendship. In 1983 and 1991, the Chinese government modified the policy twice. Nowadays, zoos outside China could loan pandas in pairs over a 10-year-loan. Therefore, all pandas on loan need to return when the loan expires. Any cubs born during the loan period belong to China too. Cubs need to return before they turn four, for a breeding program to expand the gene pool. This data visualization below shows the data of 66 pandas that China has leased to foreign zoos.
Each bar represents a panda, with bamboo leaves to the left for males and vice versa for females, and connecting lines for breeding offspring. The nodes of the bamboo leaves represent the age at the time of delivery abroad, the junction of black and white represents the current age of each panda, and the upper border of the column is the expected time of return to China. The text on the horizontal axis represents the country of delivery and the name of the specific zoo.
The map below is divided into the Europe, Asia Pacific and America regions, with connecting lines indicating the exact location where each panda was delivered. It can be seen that our country has sent the most pandas to Europe, with 28 pandas in 10 countries.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/jiangjc9729/article/details/111056706