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  1. 谓语

    • 谓语的成分:有时态系动词,或者实义动词

    • 一句话的动词能不能多?

      不能,一句话只能有一个动词存在并且充当谓语,多余的动词全部要变成非谓语动词,包括:to do(表目的), V-ing(主动), V-ed(被动)




      e.g.1 他穿上衣服,锁上门,离开了家。

      He putting on his jacket, locking the door, left home.

      e.g.2 大熊猫是熊科中最罕见的成员,主要生存在中国云南地区的森林里。 

      Pandas are the rarest members in bear family, mainly living in the forest of Chinese Southwest.

      e.g.3 我爱你,你爱我

      I loving you, you love me. [独立主格]

    • 动词能不能少?



  1. 主语
  1. 宾语
  1. 表语


  1. 写作
  1. 长难句分析





I love you,  but you love that men.



  1. 写作:只要上下句有逻辑关系,就一定要用逻辑关系词[连词、副词、介词及其短语]

e.g.1 爱情已经不再了,他还在留意过去。


e.g.2 有朋自远方来,不亦说乎。

  1. 完形填空


  2. 长难句分析



    [1] 一句话只要有省略,就一定省略在连词后,而不是连词前

    [2] 所以连词后有的成分,连词前通常都要有,如果连词后只有一个成分,连词前一定找得到;如果连词后有多个成分,连词前至少能找到一个

    [3] 连词前面有而连词后面没有的就是省略的部分

    e.g.1 Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.

    • requires 是谓语
    • and 作为连接词,and 后面有省略,根据前后结构都是n. + 定语,所以后面省略了this requires
    • Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence this requires the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.

    e.g.2 The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, sought out as friends, and pursued romantically.

    • suggest 是谓语
    • and 是连词,根据 and 前后的结构都是V-ed + 状语,所以省略了 be动词
    • The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, be sought out as friends, and be pursued romantically.

    e.g.3 Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.

    • will continue 是谓语
    • and 是连词,根据前后都是n + 定语,所以句子省略了will continue to be rejected
    • Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems will continue to be rejected.



  1. 主语 The movie look terrific.

  2. 宾语 I admire his mother.

  3. 表语 Gump is a man.

  4. 同位语 I enjoy the part, the beginning.

    • 同位语:用来解释名词的部分
    • 只要在作文中见到名词,都可以有意识地在它后面加同位语,对该名词进行补充说明
    • 同位语的成分:名词、代词、非谓语动词、从句



  1. What I saw looks terrific. 主语从句
  2. I admire what she said. 宾语从句
  3. Gump is who we should learn from. 表语从句
  4. I enjoy the part, the a bid is flying. 同位语从句


  1. that:当从句是陈述句,并且,that 在从句中充当任何成分也没有意思

    That he has got divorced is my fault.

  2. whether:当从句是一般疑问句时,并且,whether 在从句中不充当成分,意思是“是否”

    Whether he has got divorced is obvious.

  3. 所有特殊疑问词:当从句是特殊疑问句时

    Who he will marry is a secret.

所有从句都必须是陈述句:引导词 + 主 + 谓


  1. 写作
  1. 长难句分析:能够识别各个名词性从句且能够通顺翻译




  1. 形容词 The innocent nightingale died.

  2. 名词 The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom.

  3. 介词短语 The nightingale out of the window heard the sighs of the man.

  4. 非谓语动词 The singing nightingale lost its life.

  5. 从句作定语

  6. 形容词性物主代词


  1. 前小后大原则:

    • 一个单词修饰时,放在名词前
    • 多个单词修饰时,放在名词后

    e.g.1 这是一个关于玫瑰和夜莺的故事。

    It is a story about a rose and a nightingale.

    e.g.2 那个懂得爱的年轻人离开了王子的舞会。

    The youngster grasping romance left the party of the prince.

    e.g.3 被拒绝的男人看起来很可怜。

    The man rejected looks pitiful.


    e.g.4 我有一些重要的事情告诉你。

    I have something important to tell you.



  1. 定语从句的构成:n. + 引导词 + 从句

  2. 定语从句的引导词:按照先行词[即要修饰的名词]归类

    • 人:who, whom, whose, that
    • 物:that, which, whose
    • 时间:that, which, when
    • 地点:that, which, where
    • 原因:that, which, why
  3. 谁决定了引导词的用法:

    • 先行词
    • 引导词在从句中充当的成分
  4. 定语从句引导词新的分类标准:按照引导词的词性分类

    • 代词(主、宾、表):who, whom, that, which
    • 副词(不充当任何成分):where, when, why
    • 形容词(修饰离它最近的):whose

    e.g.1 夜莺用生命换来的玫瑰花被扔掉了。

    The rose that the nightingale exchanged with its life was discarded.

    e.g.2 这些圆形的建筑物很漂亮。

    Buildings whose roofs are round look beautiful.

    e.g.3 成功属于有梦想的人已经被无数事实证明了

    It has been validated by numerous factors that glories belong to those who have dreams.

  5. 定语从句的特殊用法

    • that 引导定语从句时,如果充当宾语,that 可以省略

      I enjoy the book (that) my mom brought for me.

      • 在分析长难句时,若看到有2个名词或代词连在一起,中间没有逗号隔开,通常是省略 that 的定语从句
    • 区别限制和非限制性定语从句

      • I love she, who is beautiful. 非限制性
      • I love she who is beautiful. 限制性
      • 在分析长难句时,非限制性定语从句相当于插入语,可以不看
    • 先行词和引导词之间有介词的情况

      • 人:whom
      • 物:which

      e.g.1 He is the man from whom we should learn.

      e.g.2 I never forget the day on which I met you.

    • 区别the same ... as ...the same ... that ...引导的定语从句

      • He is the same man as I love. 他像我爱的男人。
      • He is the same man that I love. 他是我爱的男人。
    • aswhich引导的非限制性定语从句

      • which 引导的非限制性定语从句,as 也可以,which 只能前面,as 可前可后
  6. 区别定语从句和同位语从句

    • 相同点:先行词 + 引导词 + 句子
    • 不同点:
      • 看从句本身意思:定语从句是对前面名词进行修饰,同位语从句是对前面名词的解释
      • 看引导词 that 在从句中是否充当成分:如果充当成分则是定语从句,若不充当则为同位语从句
      • 定语从句的先行词可以是所有名词,而同位语从句的先行词只能是抽象名词
      • 定语从句引导词有8个,而同位语从句的引导词一般都是that
  7. 定语从句的难点——寻找先行词

    • 离它最近的名词
    • 前面并列的几个名词 n. + n. + n. + 定语从句
    • 前面的从句
    • 前面的整个句子
    • 先行词和引导词被隔开
  8. 定语和定语从句考点分析——写作中的应用

    • 只要在作文中看到名词,都可以有意识地加个定语从句把句子拉长。
  9. 定语和定语从句的中英差异

    • 汉语:讲究意合 VS 英语:讲究形合
    • 汉语主动,英语被动
    • 汉语多短句,英语多长句:利用非谓语动词、加连词、从句等方法将句子变长
  10. 定语从句的长难句分析

    • 关键是找名词,只要名词后面有一连串东西(只要不是动词),就暂定为定语(也可能是状语),定语从名词后开始,到主句谓语动词前结束
    • 如果定语在主句谓语动词后,定语从名词后开始到句末结束(通常)
    • 一个大定语通常有多个小定语,每个小定语到下一个名词结束



  1. 形容词
    • 表语
    • 定语
  2. 副词
    • 修饰实义动词 He cried sadly.
    • 修饰形容词 He looks especially sad.
    • 修饰副词 He cried rather sadly.
    • 修饰句子 Actually, he cried.




  1. 副词
  2. 介词短语 She cried like a boy losing his toy.
  3. 非谓语动词 She cried, sitting there.
  4. 从句 She cried when she sat there.





  1. 时间状语从句
    • when, while, as 当 ... 的时候
    • before, after 在 ... 之前/之后
    • since 自从
    • the moment ... 的时刻
    • by the time ... 为止
    • until, not ... until 直到 ... 才
  1. 地点状语从句
    • The kind of trees grow well in moist places.
    • The kind of trees grow well where it is moist.
    • 做地点状语,通常是介词短语,很少用地点状语从句
  2. 原因状语从句
  1. 目的状语从句
  1. 结果状语从句
  1. 让步状语从句
  1. 方式状语从句
  1. 条件状语从句
  1. 比较状语从句




  1. 能够快速识别一句话的状语成分,并通顺翻译
  2. 只要见到以下成分一定是状语:副词,比较,条件,结果,原因,让步,目的,方式,伴随(with)
  3. 如果见到 n + 时间 / 地点,要区分定语还是状语
  4. 如果无法确定状语还是定语,则定语优先,只有当定语翻译极其不通顺时才做状语

as 专题

  1. as 的意思总结
    • as + n. 作为
    • v. + ... + as
    • as + 句子 当 ... 的时候 / 因为 / 尽管、虽然 / 好像、似乎

than 专题

  1. not so much as = not even 甚至不 / 没有
  2. not so much A as B 与其说 A 倒不如说 B
  3. more A than B 与其说 B 倒不如说 B
  4. more than + adj. / adv 非常
  5. more than + n 不仅仅是
  6. more than + 数词 多于


  1. It is ... that / who

    • 跟过去有关则 was,只能是 is 或 was
    • 强调句型可以强调句子所有成分,除了谓语
    • that 可以用于物 / 人,who 用于人

    e.g.1 我昨天在街上遇到了我的旧情人。

    • I met my old flame in the street yesterday.
    • It was I that met my old flame in the street yesterday.

    e.g.2 有很多的原因解释这种现象。

    • There remains abundant elements to account for the issue.
    • It is abundant elements that there remains to account for the issue.
  2. 强调句型考点分析



倒装句就是把一句话写成一般疑问句的形式,也就是给一句话加个助动词或把 be 动词放在句首


  1. 否定词放在句首用倒装

    • e.g.1 I can hardly speak English.

      Hardly can I speak English.

    • e.g.2 Playing phones not only influences the physical and mental health of youngsters but also wastes their percious time.

      Not only does playing phones influence the physical and mental health of youngsters, but also wastes theirs precious time.

  2. so, nor / neither 位于句首,表明承前句子的肯定或否定时用倒装

    • He can speak English, so can I.
    • He can not cook , nor can I.
  3. 含有 so ... that... 句型把 so 引导的部分放在句首用倒装

    • I feel so rejoiced that I lose my sleep for the whole night.
    • So rejoiced do I feel that I lose my sleep for the whole night.
  4. Only 引出状语从句放在句首用倒装

    • The problem could be resolved only in this way.
    • Only in this way could the problem be resolved.
  5. as 引导让步状语从句,从句的表语放在句首可以构成倒装

    • As I look ugly, I am quite gentle.
    • Ugly as I look, I am quite gentle.
  6. 省略 if 的虚拟语气用倒装

    • If you had obeyed my instruction, you could have passed the exam.
    • Had you obeyed my instruction, you could have passed the exam.


e.g. 文化交流不仅能够促进我们国家经济的发展,而且还能开阔个人的眼界。

​ Not only can cultural exchange promote economic advance, but also makes our eye sight broad.





  1. if 引导的条件状语从句

总结:只需要把写好的句子时态变成过去式,就是虚拟语气,并且虚拟语气中,be 的过去只有 were, could 等于 would 也等于 might


  1. 以下情况从句用should + v.表示虚拟,并且 should 可以省略
  1. 以下情况从句用过去式表虚拟:

    • would rather, It is high time that

      It is high time that the independence of kid should be were cultivated by senior citizens.

  2. 以下情况要区别对待


    • wish 希望
    • but for 要不是
    • if only 如果 ... 该多好
    • or / otherwise 否则
    • as if / as though 好像、似乎




  1. 现在将来的推测 [情态动词 + V-原]
  2. 情态动词表示对过去的推测

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zgqcn/p/13762052.html