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实例解析如何搞定Personal Statement范文开头


  对留学文书写作,相信很多朋友们都不太了解,在申请出国留学的时候,书写留学文书是很重要的,尤其是留学个人陈述范文的写作是很重要的资料,要注意具体的写作方法。其实书写留学个人陈述范文的话和自己写作文是差不多的,尤其要重视文章开头的写作,这样才能够快速的吸引到招生官的注意力,那么personal statement范文开头如何写?下面和小编一起来了解下吧。

  当时作者在斯坦福大学教育学院读研究生的,有一课讲Higher Education,当时教授邀请了本科招生办公室的Dean来作为Guest Speaker给大家作了一个讲座。说到招生的过程的时候,她非常明确地说,每个学生的文书,大概也就看个5分钟左右,特别的情况下,最多也不会超过10分钟。

  虽然这是一门研究生院的课,但这门课也有很多本科选。所以当时的研究生、博士生听了倒还没有什么反应,在场的本科生全部震惊了。虽然当时这些人已经被录取,但是他们回想起自己当年就被这几分钟决定了命运,还是很激动。纷纷质疑Dean说这样怎么才能确保公平呢?结果Dean淡然一笑,很自信地说:“We are trained,we are experienced,and we are professional.”


  下面的例子,就是斯坦福的新生文书中,personal statement范文第一句是如何写的。

  Sitting cross-legged on the floor of a Bhimanagar slum dwelling in Bangalore,I ran my fingers across a fresh cut on my forehead.

  I almost didn’t live through September 11th,2001.

  When I was 8 years old,I shocked my family and a local archaeologist by discovering artifacts dating back almost 3,500 years.

  When I was in eighth grade I couldn’t read.

  I had never seen anyone get so excited about mitochondria.

  Cancer tried to defeat me,and it failed.

  Flying over enemy territory,I took in Beirut’s beautiful skyline and wondered if under different circumstances I would have hopped on a bus and come here for my vacation.Instead,I saw the city from the window of a helicopter,essay writing service on repor t.lxws.n et,in military uniform,my face camouflaged,on my way to a special operation deep behind enemy lines.

  I was paralyzed from the waist down.I would try to move my leg or even shift an ankle but I never got a response.This was the first time thoughts of death ever crossed my mind.

  As an Indian-American,I am forever bound to the hyphen.

  I change my name each time I place an order at Starbucks.

  小编了解到其实留学文书的写作对于自己申请留学是否能够成功有很大的影响,所以小伙伴们在申请留学的时候一定要认真对待,尤其是personal statement范文的开头要好好的品味,好好的写作,这样才能够让招生官欣赏到自己给招生官留下一个好的印象,从而提升自己申请留学的成功几率。留学是为了让自己有一个好的未来,所以还是要多做些准备工作。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/MeelounEssay/p/12830526.html