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网易云课堂昵称: 镍铬合金


github: https://github.com/Niejinge/NSE



  1. 给lab5-1.tar.gz找bug,quit命令无法运行的bug
  2. 利用callback函数参数使Linktable的查询接口更加通用
  3. 注意接口的信息隐藏

  本次实验主要是从老师给的源代码里修改bug, 并优化代码,使用caLlback来完成,最后实现接口的隐藏,总体还是比较简单的,因为不用自己去写代码,只需要好好理解老师的讲解,并修改好即可。


tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode, void* args), void* args)
    if(pLinkTable == NULL || Conditon == NULL)
        return NULL;
    tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;
    while(pNode != NULL)
        if(Conditon(pNode, args) == SUCCESS)
            return pNode;                    
        pNode = pNode->pNext;
    return NULL;


  对于 callback,就是被调用函数还要利用调用者提供信息,来完成函数的实现。现在我们就来对我们的代码完成优化,通过引入callback来对代码进行修改,以降低代码的耦合程度。
  之前的代码中,在menu.c中,char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];作为全局变量出现在main函数体外,这虽然实现了我们的目的,但是使用全局变量是不好的,这会无形之间增加代码之间的耦合程度。所以,我们要通过引入callback来降低耦合,使我们的代码更加完美。

int SearchCondition(tLinkTableNode * pLinkTableNode, void* args)
    char * cmd = (char*) args;
    tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode *)pLinkTableNode;
    if(strcmp(pNode->cmd, cmd) == 0)
        return  SUCCESS;  
    return FAILURE;           


tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char * cmd)
    return  (tDataNode*)SearchLinkTableNode(head,SearchCondition, cmd);



tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode, void* args), void* args);


tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode, void* args), void* args)
    if(pLinkTable == NULL || Conditon == NULL)
        return NULL;
    tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;
    while(pNode != NULL)
        if(Conditon(pNode, args) == SUCCESS)
            return pNode;                    
        pNode = pNode->pNext;
    return NULL;



#include <stdlib.h>#include "linktable.h"#include <string.h>int ();int Quit();int dogBark();int eat();int add();int sub();int happy();#define CMD_MAX_LEN 128#define DESC_LEN    1024#define CMD_NUM    typedef struct DataNode{    tLinkTableNode * pNext;    char*   cmd;    char*   desc;    int     (*handler)();} tDataNode;int SearchCondition(tLinkTableNode * pLinkTableNode, void* args){    char * cmd = (char*) args;    tDataNode * pNode = (tDat 大专栏  高软实验报告5(更改)aNode *)pLinkTableNode;    if(strcmp(pNode->cmd, cmd) == 0)    {        return  SUCCESS;      }    return FAILURE;	       }/* find a cmd in the linklist and return the datanode pointer */tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char * cmd){    return  (tDataNode*)SearchLinkTableNode(head,SearchCondition, cmd);}/* show all cmd in listlist */int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable * head){    tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode*)GetLinkTableHead(head);    while(pNode != NULL)    {        printf("%s - %sn", pNode->cmd, pNode->desc);        pNode = (tDataNode*)GetNextLinkTableNode(head,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    }    return 0;}int InitMenuData(tLinkTable ** ppLinktable){    *ppLinktable = CreateLinkTable();    tDataNode* pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "help";    pNode->desc = "Menu List:";    pNode->handler = Help;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "version";    pNode->desc = "Menu Program V1.0";    pNode->handler = NULL;     AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "quit";    pNode->desc = "Quit from Menu Program V1.0";    pNode->handler = Quit;     AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);     pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "dogBark";    pNode->desc = "a dog bark at the midnight!";    pNode->handler = dogBark;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "eat";    pNode->desc = "it's supper time, let's eat some food";    pNode->handler = eat;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "add";    pNode->desc = "add two demo of numbers.";    pNode->handler = add;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "sub";    pNode->desc = "sub two demo of two numbers.";    pNode->handler = sub;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "happy";    pNode->desc = "keep smile in life everyday!";    pNode->handler = happy;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable,(tLinkTableNode *)pNode);           return 0; }/* menu program */tLinkTable * head = NULL;int main(){    char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];    InitMenuData(&head);    /* cmd line begins */    while(1)    {        printf("Input a cmd number > ");        scanf("%s", cmd);        tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);        if( p == NULL)        {            printf("This is a wrong cmd!n ");            continue;        }        printf("%s - %sn", p->cmd, p->desc);         if(p->handler != NULL)         {             p->handler();        }       }}int (){    ShowAllCmd(head);    return 0; }int Quit(){    exit(0);}int dogBark(){    printf("Ruff! Ruff! Ruff ... !n");    return 0;}int eat(){    printf("uh..! The meat is declicious!n");    return 0;}int add(){    int x, y;    printf("input two numbers:n");    scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);    printf("x+y = %dn", x+y);    return 0;}int sub(){    int x, y;    printf("input two numbers:n");    scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);    printf("x-y = %dn", x-y);    return 0;}int happy(){    printf("hahaheheheiheixixihouhouxiaxia!n");    return 0;}

通过gcc linktable.c menu.c -o menu生成可执行文件,然后通过命令./menu运行文件,结果如下:

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/liuzhongrong/p/12249004.html