本文为挪威科技大学(作者:Kenneth Gade)的博士论文,共213页。
Navigation is defined as the process ofestimating the six degrees of freedom. We have seen an increased demand fornavigation the last decade, and important reasons for the growth are theincreased availability of low cost inertial measurement units (IMUs) and globalnavigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers, and the increased use ofautonomous vehicles. When working with navigation in general, and whendesigning and implementing navigation systems in particular, a precise notationsystem is of utmost importance. Kinematical quantities such as velocity,acceleration, orientation, and angular velocity must be unambiguously specifiedboth in documentation and program code. Five properties of a good notationsystem are identified, and a notation system fulfilling these properties ispresented. The notation system includes a usage of sub- /superscripts thatfollow simple rules when the equations are correct, and hence the systemcontributes strongly to correct deductions and implementations. The sub- /superscriptsand unambiguousness also lead to better understanding of quantities such aslinear velocity, and misunderstandings/errors during exchange of code and/orequations are greatly reduced. Position calculations are a central part of anynavigation system, and common concerns are imprecise calculations (e.g. whenusing an ellipsoidal Earth model or when using map projections), compleximplementations, and singularities. In addition, separating the horizontal andvertical position is often desirable. By representing horizontal position withthe normal vector to the Earth ellipsoid (called n-vector) this separation iskept, while avoiding common problems with other such representations, e.g. thesingularities and discontinuity of latitude/longitude and the distortion of mapprojections. Further, since the n-vector is a 3D vector, the powerful vectoralgebra can be used to solve many calculations intuitively and with few codelines. A code library solving many of the most common position calculationsusing n-vector has been made available for download (for several programminglanguages). Estimating heading with sufficient accuracy is often the mostchallenging part when designing a low cost navigation system, and the necessarytheory to support this task has not been available, making it even morechallenging. A study of the theory behind heading estimation has thus beenmade, and based on this theory, different methods to find heading have beencategorized by means of consistent mathematical principles. Using thiscategorization system, we have identified seven different methods to findheading for practical navigation systems. The methods are magnetic andgyrocompass, two methods based on observations, multiantenna GNSS, and twomethods based on vehicle motion. With the aid of this theory and list ofmethods, designing navigation systems where heading is a challenge can now bedone with full understanding and insight into the task. The possible ways tofind heading for a given system are immediately identified, and no method isoverlooked.
During navigation research and development,the support of appropriate software is vital. The aim to design one commonsoftware solution for a range of different navigation tasks was the motivationbehind the development of a tool called NavLab. Important areas of usageinclude research and development, simulation studies, post-processing of loggedsensor data, sensor evaluation, and decision basis for sensor purchase andmission planning. It has turned out that a generic design and implementation isfeasible, and NavLab has been used to navigate a variety of different maritime,land and air vehicles. Users include research groups, commercial companies,military users and universities. For underwater navigation, and in particular forautonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), several different techniques have beenused in NavLab to reduce the horizontal position estimation uncertainty. Whenfeasible, the underwater vehicle can go to the surface for a GNSS fix, or befollowed by a surface vehicle that combines GNSS with acoustic positioning andtransmits the result. However, in practice an AUV must often handle longperiods without position aid, and thus the drift of the core navigation systemis of great importance. This core system often consists of an IMU and a Dopplervelocity log (DVL), where the DVL is usually the most important sensor to limitthe drift. In cases of DVL dropouts, the use of a vehicle model in theestimator significantly reduces the position drift, compared to a system infree inertial drift. This is the case even with high-end IMUs. For low-costsystems without a DVL, a vehicle model is vital, and it can also be usedtogether with a DVL to improve the navigation system integrity. Position driftcan be avoided altogether by deploying one or more underwater transponders thatprovide range measurements to the underwater vehicle. We have developed amethod where accurate position is estimated by means of only one singletransponder. The method is implemented in NavLab, and it has demonstrated aposition accuracy which is close to the performance achieved when the AUV isfollowed by a surface ship with acoustic positioning.
1 引言
2 运动学的统一表示法
3 导航中的基本主题
4 通用导航软件
5 水下导航
梅花香——苦寒来 发布了253 篇原创文章 · 获赞 153 · 访问量 32万+ 关注标签:DVL,2018.01,导航,惯性导航,电信,NavLab,system,GNSS,navigation 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42825609/article/details/104101626