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0 or 1 HDU - 4370 (思维+最短路)


Given a n*n matrix C ij (1<=i,j<=n),We want to find a n*n matrix X ij(1<=i,j<=n),which is 0 or 1. 

Besides,X ij meets the following conditions: 

1.X 12+X 13+...X 1n=1 
2.X 1n+X 2n+...X n-1n=1 
3.for each i (1<i<n), satisfies ∑X ki (1<=k<=n)=∑X ij (1<=j<=n). 

For example, if n=4,we can get the following equality: 

12+X 13+X 14=1 
14+X 24+X 34=1 
12+X 22+X 32+X 42=X 21+X 22+X 23+X 24 
13+X 23+X 33+X 43=X 31+X 32+X 33+X 34 

Now ,we want to know the minimum of ∑C ij*X ij(1<=i,j<=n) you can get. 
For sample, X 12=X 24=1,all other X ij is 0. 

InputThe input consists of multiple test cases (less than 35 case). 
For each test case ,the first line contains one integer n (1<n<=300). 
The next n lines, for each lines, each of which contains n integers, illustrating the matrix C, The j-th integer on i-th line is C ij(0<=C ij<=100000).OutputFor each case, output the minimum of ∑C ij*X ij you can get. 
Sample Input

1 2 4 10
2 0 1 1
2 2 0 5
6 3 1 2

Sample Output



将条件转化为图论最短路径问题,Xij 转化为边 i→j 的权值,那么对应关系为:

求解的问题转化为点 1 到点 n 的一条最短路径。

其实还有一种情况,那就是可以从点 1 出发到达其他点然后又回到点 1 形成一个环,同样也可以从点 n 出发回到点 n。这样也是符合条件的,答案为从 1 出发的最小权值环和从 n 出发的最小权值环之和。



 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
 4 int n;
 5 int g[400][400];
 6 int dis[400], inq[400];
 8 void spfa(int x)
 9 {
10     queue<int> q;
11     memset(inq, 0, sizeof(inq));
12     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
13     {
14         if (i == x)
15             dis[i] = inf;
16         else
17         {
18             dis[i] = g[x][i];
19             q.push(i);
20             inq[i] = true;
21         }
22     }
23     while (!q.empty())
24     {
25         int u = q.front(); q.pop();
26         inq[u] = false;
27         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
28             if (dis[i] > dis[u] + g[u][i])
29             {
30                 dis[i] = dis[u] + g[u][i];
31                 if (!inq[i])
32                     q.push(i), inq[i];
33             }
34     }
35 }
38 int main()
39 {
40     while (cin >> n)
41     {
42         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
43             for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
44                 scanf("%d", &g[i][j]);
45         spfa(1);
46         int ans = dis[n];
47         int c1 = dis[1];
48         spfa(n);
49         int c2 = dis[n];
50         cout << min(ans, c1 + c2) << endl;
51     }
52 }


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/liuwenhan/p/11437033.html