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10分钟搞定Linq to NHibernate(二)——查询篇




  1.Linq to NHibernate有VS的IDE提示,编译器可以帮助我提示出错误。

  2.Linq to NHibernate最大限度的帮我们优化SQL语句,尤其是匿名类的查询语句和聚合函数的查询。








以下是Linq to NHibernate查询语句的代码。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Domain.Entities;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace Linq2NHibernate.Dao
    public class ProductsDao
        private ISession session = DBUtility.NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession();

        /// <summary>
        /// select 语句
        /// sql : SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, 
        /// this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, 
        /// this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, 
        /// this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ FROM Products this_
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> GetAll()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() select s;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// 匿名类查询
        /// sql : SELECT this_.ProductID as y0_, this_.ProductName as y1_, 
        /// this_.QuantityPerUnit as y2_ FROM Products this_
        /// 个人认为匿名类查询可以优化Nhibernate查询,仅仅生成部分字段的查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable AnonymousType()
            var query = from products in session.Linq<Products>()
                        new { products.ProductID, products.ProductName, products.QuantityPerUnit };
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// 查询第一个记录 top 1
        /// sql : SELECT top 1 this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, 
        /// this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, 
        /// this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ FROM Products this_
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Products First()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() select s;
            return query.First<Products>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Count(*) 聚合函数查询
        /// sql : SELECT count(*) as y0_ FROM Products this_
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Count()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() select s;
            return query.Count<Products>();
        /// <summary>
        /// where ProductName = "Ikura" or ProductName = "Konbu" 语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE (this_.ProductName = @p0 or this_.ProductName = @p1)', 
        /// N'@p0 nvarchar(5),@p1 nvarchar(5)', @p0 = N'Ikura', @p1 = N'Konbu'
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> SelectOr()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where s.ProductName == "Ikura" || s.ProductName == "Konbu" select s;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// where UnitPrice = 21 and UnitsInStock = 15 语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE (this_.UnitPrice = @p0 and this_.UnitsInStock = @p1)', 
        /// N'@p0 decimal(2,0),@p1 smallint', @p0 = 21, @p1 = 15
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> SelectAnd()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where s.UnitPrice == 21 && s.UnitsInStock == 15 select s;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// where UnitPrice >= 21 语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE this_.UnitPrice >= @p0', N'@p0 decimal(2,0)', @p0 = 21
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> SelectLe()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where s.UnitPrice >= 21  select s;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// where UnitPrice Between 15 and 100 语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE (this_.UnitPrice >= @p0 
        /// and this_.UnitPrice <= @p1)', N'@p0 decimal(2,0),@p1 decimal(3,0)', @p0 = 15, @p1 = 100
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> SelectBetweenAnd()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where s.UnitPrice >= 15 && s.UnitPrice <= 100 select s;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// s.QuantityPerUnit == null : where QuantityPerUnit Is Null 语句
        /// s.QuantityPerUnit != null : where QuantityPerUnit Is Not Null 语句
        /// sql : SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, 
        /// this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, 
        /// this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE this_.QuantityPerUnit is null
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> SelectIsNull()
            var query = from s in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where s.QuantityPerUnit == null select s;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// 动态linq语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE (this_.ProductName = @p0 or this_.ProductName = @p1)', 
        /// N'@p0 nvarchar(5),@p1 nvarchar(5)', @p0 = N'Ikura', @p1 = N'Konbu'
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> SelectDynamic()
            Expression<Func<Products, bool>> expr1 = u => u.ProductName == "Ikura";
            Expression<Func<Products, bool>> expr2 = u => u.ProductName == "Konbu";

            var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke(expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression>());
            var dynamicWhereClause = Expression.Lambda<Func<Products, bool>>
                  (Expression.OrElse(expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);

            var query = session.Linq<Products>().Where(dynamicWhereClause);
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// StartsWith : ProductName Like "A%" 语句
        /// EndsWith: ProductName Like "%A" 语句
        /// Contains: ProductName Like "%A%" 语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ FROM Products this_ 
        /// WHERE this_.ProductName like @p0', N'@p0 nvarchar(2)', @p0 = N'A%'
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> GetLike()
            var query = from p in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where p.ProductName.StartsWith("A") select p;
            return query;

        /// <summary>
        /// names.Contains : ProductName In "Tofu,Pavlova" 语句
        /// !names.Contains : ProductName Not In "Tofu,Pavlova" 语句
        /// sql : exec sp_executesql N'SELECT this_.ProductID as ProductID1_0_, 
        /// this_.ProductName as ProductN2_1_0_, this_.QuantityPerUnit as Quantity3_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice1_0_, this_.UnitsInStock as UnitsInS5_1_0_, 
        /// this_.UnitsOnOrder as UnitsOnO6_1_0_, this_.ReorderLevel as ReorderL7_1_0_, 
        /// this_.Discontinued as Disconti8_1_0_, this_.CategoryID as CategoryID1_0_ 
        /// FROM Products this_ WHERE this_.ProductName in (@p0, @p1)', 
        /// N'@p0 nvarchar(4),@p1 nvarchar(7)', @p0 = N'Tofu', @p1 = N'Pavlova'
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<Products> GetIn()
            var names = new string[] { "Tofu", "Pavlova" };
            var query = from p in session.Linq<Products>() 
                        where names.Contains(p.ProductName) select p;
            return query;

从上述代码,我可以看到Linq to NHibernate查询语句和SQL语句的对照。


转载:刘东.net 博客



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30367873/article/details/96825962