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wbinfo - 向winbind服务查询信息




wbinfo [-a user%password] [-c username] [-C groupname] [--domain domain] [-I ip] [-s sid] [-u] [-U uid] [-g] [--get-auth-user] [-G gid] [-m] [-n name] [-N netbios-name] [-o user:group] [-O user:group] [-p] [-r user] [--set-auth-user user%password] [--sequence] [-S sid] [-t] [-x username] [-X groupname] [-Y sid]





此工具是 Samba(7) 套件的一部分。








-a username%password
Attempt to authenticate a user via winbindd. This checks both authenticaion methods and reports its results.



-c user
Create a local winbind user.



-C group
Create a local winbindd group.



--domain name
This parameter sets the domain on which any specified operations will performed. If special domain name '.' is used to represent the current domain to which winbindd belongs. Currently only the --sequence, -u, and -g options honor this parameter.



该选项可以列出winbindd(8)服务所运行的那个Windows NT域中所有可以获得的用户组。所有受托域中的用户组也将被列出。注意该操作并不为任何winbindd(8)还未获悉的用户组分配组ID。




Print username and password used by winbindd during session setup to a domain controller. Username and password can be set using '-A'. Only available for root.



-G gid
该选项试图把一个UNIX组ID转换为一个Windows NT的SID。如果指定的GID无法对应到idmap的GID范围中,则操作失败。



-I ip
The -I option queries winbindd(8) to send a node status request to get the NetBIOS name associated with the IP address specified by the ip parameter.



该选项产生一份当winbindd(8)在进行名字解析时所联系的Windows NT服务器信任的域列表。该列表不含主域控制器所在的那个NT域。



-n name


-N name
The -N option queries winbindd(8) to query the WINS server for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name specified by the name parameter.



-o user:group
Add a winbindd local group as a secondary group for the specified winbindd local user.



-O user:group
Remove a winbindd local group as a secondary group for the specified winbindd local user.



Check whether winbindd is still alive. Prints out either 'succeeded' or 'failed'.



-r username
Try to obtain the list of UNIX group ids to which the user belongs. This only works for users defined on a Domain Controller.



-s sid
-s可以把一个SID解析为一个名字。这正好与上面那个-n选项相反。SID必须按传统的微软格式, 用ASCII字串来指定。例如S-1-5-21-1455342024-3071081365-2475485837-500。



--set-auth-user username%password
Store username and password used by winbindd during session setup to a domain controller. This enables winbindd to operate in a Windows 2000 domain with Restrict Anonymous turned on (a.k.a. Permissions compatiable with Windows 2000 servers only).



Show sequence numbers of all known domains



-S sid




该选项可以列出winbindd(8)服务所在的那个Windows NT域中所有可以得到的用户。所有受托域中的用户也将被列出。注意该操作并不为任何winbindd(8)尚未获悉的用户分配用户ID。


-U uid
该选项试图把一个UNIX用户ID转换为一个Windows NT的SID。如果指定的UID无法对应到winbind的UID范围中,则操作失败。


-x user
Delete an existing local winbind user.



-X group
Delete an existing local winbindd group.



-Y sid


Prints the program version number.



Print a summary of command line options. 

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fanweisheng/p/11102274.html