转录相关signalling pathway活性打分 | 常见打分系统
- pathway是一个不得不研究的主体,比如我们的paper就给很多GO pathway的基因打分了,很简单就是一个求均值。
- 关于complex的活性打分,就得使用几何平均,因为缺失任何一个都会导致complex失活。
- AUCell allows to identify cells with active gene sets (e.g. signatures, gene modules...) in single-cell RNA-seq data. AUCell uses the "Area Under the Curve" (AUC) to calculate whether a critical subset of the input gene set is enriched within the expressed genes for each cell.
- 为基因集进行打分常见的富集分析软件GSVA
- Calculate module scores for feature expression programs in single cells:AddModuleScore
初步设想:分component activity和target gene activity两个维度来衡量。
参考文献:wnt signaling target genes
- Wnt target genes and where to find them
- Wnt Target genes
- Multiple Targets of the Canonical WNT/β-Catenin Signaling in Cancers
- Wnt/β-Catenin Target Genes in Colon Cancer Metastasis: The Special Case of L1CAM
- Comprehensive analysis of β-catenin target genes in colorectal carcinoma cell lines with deregulated Wnt/β-catenin signaling
标签:target,genes,pathway,cell,Wnt,signalling,gene,打分 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/leezx/p/16600530.html