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Transform - 题解【计算几何,线性代数】



这是2021年CCPC东北四省赛的J题。这里放上CodeForces的链接:J. Transform。下面搬运一下原题面:

Given you two points \((A,B,C)\) and \((x, y, z)\) in 3D space. Let \(L\) be the line cross the point \((A, B, C)\) and the original point \((0, 0, 0)\). You will get two points \(P\) and \(Q\) if you rotate point \((x, y, z)\) around line \(L\) by \(r\) degree and \(-r\) degree. If the \(z\) coordinate of \(P\) is greater than \(Q\), output \(P\). Otherwise, output \(Q\). We guarantee that the solution is unique.


This problem contains multiple test cases.

The first line of the input contains an integer \(T (1 \leq T \leq 50000)\), indicating the number of test cases.

Each of the following \(T\) lines contains seven integers \(A, B, C, x, y, z, r\).

\((1 \leq A, B, C, x, y, z \leq 100, 1 \leq r < 180)\).


For each test case, output one line contains three real numbers indicates the coordinate of the answer.

Your answer will be accepted if the absolute or relative error between your answer and the standard answer is less than \(10^{-6}\).

sample input

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

sample output

4.084934830 4.801379781 6.104101869






我们设给定的直线确定一根向量\(\mathbf{a_1}=(A,B,C)^T\),很容易找到两条不共线的向量\(\mathbf{a_2, a_3}\)使得这三条向量不共面(见后文)。然后,我们对这三个向量进行施密特正交化,并且进行单位化。定义两个向量\(\mathbf{a,b}\)的内积为\((\mathbf{a,b})\),则三维向量的施密特正交化过程如下所示:

\[\left\{ \begin{array}{lr} \mathbf{b_1}=\mathbf{a_1},\\ \mathbf{b_2}=\mathbf{a_2}-\frac{(\mathbf{b_1,a_2})}{(\mathbf{b_1,b_1})} \mathbf{b_1},\\ \mathbf{b_3}=\mathbf{a_3}-\frac{(\mathbf{b_1,a_3})}{(\mathbf{b_1,b_1})} \mathbf{b_1}-\frac{(\mathbf{b_2,a_3})}{(\mathbf{b_2,b_2})} \mathbf{b_2} \end{array} \right. \]


\[(x',y',z')^T=C^{-1}(x,y,z)^T \\ (x,y,z)^T=C(x',y',z')^T \]


在平面内的旋转问题可以利用复数乘法的几何意义:两个复数相乘,辐角相加、模长相乘。记复数\(c=a+b\verb|i| = (a,b)\),那么定义复数乘法为\((a,b)\times (c,d)=(ac-bd,ad+bc)\),构造复数\(c_1=(\cos(r),\sin(r)),c_2=(\cos(r),-\sin(r)),c_t=(y',z')\),分别计算\(c_{t1}=c_1 \times c_t=(y'_1,z'_1),c_{t2} = c_2\times c_t=(y'_2,z'_2)\),那么可以得到两个点\(p'_1=(x',y'_1,z'_1),p'_2=(x',y'_2,z'_2)\)。这两个点就是基\(\mathbf{e_1,e_2,e_3}\)下的点\(p'\)绕x轴顺逆时针旋转\(r\)°得到的点。接着通过过渡矩阵转换为基\((1,0,0)(0,1,0)(0,0,1)\)下的坐标,就是题面要求的两个点\(P,Q\)。接下来只要判哪个点的竖坐标更大,将其输出即可。



要求一个矩阵的逆矩阵,考虑到三维空间的矩阵大小为\(3\times 3\),在代码实现中可以使用初等变换法,构造矩阵\([C,E]\),其中\(E\)为单位矩阵,然后对这个矩阵进行初等行变换直到左部变成单位矩阵,即变换为\([E,C^{-1}]\),这时右部就是我们需要的逆矩阵。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define GRP int T;cin>>T;rep(C,1,T)
#define FAST ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);
#define VOID
using namespace std;
#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;++i)
#define rrep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i>=b;--i)
#define elif else if
#define mem(arr,val) memset(arr,val,sizeof(arr))
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;

const double PI = acos(-1);
inline bool is0(double &q) {
	return abs(q) < 1e-10;
}	//实数判0:绝对值小于一个极小值
struct Complex {	//将复数封装,方便使用
	double a, b;
	Complex() = default;
	Complex(double a, double b): a(a), b(b) {}
	void setc(double aa, double bb) {
		a = aa, b = bb;
	Complex operator*(Complex &e) {
		return Complex(a * e.a - b * e.b, a * e.b + b * e.a);
	}	//定义复数乘法

struct Point {		//封装点(向量)类
	double x, y, z;
	Point() = default;
	Point(double x, double y, double z): x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
	double dotc(Point &a) {	//点乘
		return x * a.x + y * a.y + z * a.z;
	Point operator*(double a) {	//数乘
		return Point(x * a, y * a, z * a);
	Point operator+(Point a) {	//加法
		return Point(x + a.x, y + a.y, z + a.z);
	Point operator-(Point a) {	//减法
		return *this + a * (-1.0);
	void setp(double x, double y, double z) {
		this->x = x;
		this->y = y;
		this->z = z;
	void unit() {			//单位化
		double l = x * x + y * y + z * z;
		l = sqrt(l);
		x /= l;
		y /= l;
		z /= l;
	Point tran(double m[3][3]) {	//矩阵乘法
		double g[3];
		rep(i, 0, 2) {
			g[i] = m[i][0] * x + m[i][1] * y + m[i][2] * z;
		return Point(g[0], g[1], g[2]);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Point p) {	//输出
	os << fixed << setprecision(7) << p.x << ' ' << p.y << ' ' << p.z ;
	return os;
typedef Point Vector;
double a, b, c, x, y, z, deg;
Vector t[3], ep[3];
Point p;
Point pt1, pt2;
double cmx[3][3], cmxr[3][3];

void rev() {	//求逆矩阵
	double mt[3][6];
	double tmp[6];
	rep(i, 0, 2) {
		rep(j, 0, 2) {
			mt[i][j] = cmx[i][j];
	rep(i, 0, 2) {
		rep(j, 3, 5) {
			if (j - 3 == i) {
				mt[i][j] = 1;
			} else {
				mt[i][j] = 0;
	double k;
	rep(l, 0, 2) {
		if (is0(mt[l][l])) {	//对角线元素必须非0
			rep(i, l + 1, 2) {
				if (!is0(mt[i][l])) {
					rep(j, 0, 5) {
						tmp[j] = mt[l][j];
					rep(j, 0, 5) {
						mt[l][j] = mt[i][j];
					rep(j, 0, 5) {
						mt[i][j] = tmp[j];
		k = 1 / mt[l][l];
		rep(i, 0, 5) {
			mt[l][i] *= k;	//元素化为1
		rep(i, 0, 2) {
			if (i == l) continue;
			k = -mt[i][l] / mt[l][l];
			rep(j, 0, 5) {
				mt[i][j] += (k * mt[l][j]);
		}	//该列其余元素化为0
	rep(i, 0, 2) {
		rep(j, 3, 5) {
			cmxr[i][j - 3] = mt[i][j];
	}	//获得逆矩阵

int main() {
	GRP {
		cin >> a >> b >> c >> x >> y >> z >> deg;
		deg = deg * PI / 180;	//化为弧度制
		t[0].setp(a, b, c);
		p.setp(x, y, z);
		if (a != 0) {
			t[1].setp(0, 0, 1);
			t[2].setp(0, 1, 0);
		elif(b != 0) {
			t[1].setp(0, 0, 1);
			t[2].setp(1, 0, 0);
		} else {
			t[1].setp(1, 0, 0);
			t[2].setp(0, 1, 0);
		ep[0] = t[0];
		ep[1] = t[1] - ep[0] * (ep[0].dotc(t[1]) / ep[0].dotc(ep[0]));
		ep[2] = t[2] - ep[0] * (ep[0].dotc(t[2]) / ep[0].dotc(ep[0])) - ep[1] * (ep[1].dotc(t[2]) / ep[1].dotc(ep[1]));
		rep(i, 0, 2) {
			cmx[0][i] = ep[i].x;
			cmx[1][i] = ep[i].y;
			cmx[2][i] = ep[i].z;
		rev();	//求逆矩阵
		p = p.tran(cmxr);	//点的坐标转换
		Complex c1(cos(deg), sin(deg)), c2(cos(deg), -sin(deg)), ct(p.y, p.z);
		c1 = c1 * ct, c2 = c2 * ct;
		pt1.setp(p.x, c1.a, c1.b);
		pt2.setp(p.x, c2.a, c2.b);
		pt1 = pt1.tran(cmx);		//转换回原坐标
		pt2 = pt2.tran(cmx);
		if (pt1.z > pt2.z) {		//输出结果
			cout << pt1 << endl;
		} else {
			cout << pt2 << endl;
	return 0;

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/_/    \_\_|\___/_/\_\_|  |_|\___/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, |
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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/AlexHoring/p/16293080.html