1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 3 public class Main { 4 5 public static void main(String[] args) { 6 Scanner in = new Scanner(; 7 String num = in.nextLine(); 8 int flag=0; 9 int n = 1; 10 if(num.length()<11) 11 { 12 System.out.print("null data"); 13 flag = 1; 14 } 15 int count=0; 16 for(int i=0; i<num.length();i++) 17 { 18 if(num.charAt(i)==1) 19 count++; 20 if(count==num.length()) 21 { 22 System.out.print("null data"); 23 flag = 1; 24 } 25 } 26 if(flag!=1) 27 { 28 int i,j=0; 29 for(j =0;j < num.length(); j++) 30 { 31 if(num.charAt(j)=='0') 32 { 33 break; 34 } 35 } 36 if(j>=num.length()) 37 { 38 System.out.print("null data"); 39 return; 40 } 41 for( i =0 ;i < num.length(); i++) 42 { 43 int h = 0; 44 if(num.charAt(i)=='0') 45 { 46 47 for(h = i;h<i+10;h++) 48 { 49 if(num.charAt(h)=='0') 50 { 51 break; 52 } 53 } 54 if(h>=i+10) 55 { 56 System.out.print(n+":"); 57 System.out.println("null data"); 58 i = i+10; 59 n++; 60 } 61 if(num.charAt(i+10) != '1') 62 { 63 System.out.print(n+":"); 64 System.out.println("validate error"); 65 i=i+10; 66 n++; 67 } 68 else 69 { 70 for(int k =i+1; k<i+9 ;k++) 71 { 72 if(num.charAt(k)=='1') 73 { 74 count++; 75 } 76 } 77 if(count%2==0) 78 { 79 if(num.charAt(i+9)!='1') 80 { 81 System.out.print(n+":"); 82 System.out.println("parity check error"); 83 i = i+10; 84 n++; 85 } 86 else 87 { 88 System.out.print(n+":"); 89 for(int k =i+1; k<i+9 ;k++) 90 { 91 System.out.print(num.charAt(k)); 92 } 93 System.out.println(); 94 i=i+10; 95 n++; 96 } 97 } 98 else if(count%2!=0) 99 { 100 if(num.charAt(i+9)=='1') 101 { 102 System.out.print(n+":"); 103 System.out.println("parity check error"); 104 i = i+10; 105 n++; 106 } 107 else 108 { 109 System.out.print(n+":"); 110 for(int k =i+1; k<i+9 ;k++) 111 { 112 System.out.print(num.charAt(k)); 113 } 114 System.out.println(); 115 i=i+10; 116 n++; 117 } 118 } 119 } 120 } 121 } 122 } 123 } 124 }
1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 import java.util.ArrayList; 3 4 public class Main { 5 public static void main(String[] args) { 6 Scanner input = new Scanner(; 7 String number = input.nextLine(); 8 ArrayList<String> list1 = new ArrayList<String>(); 9 ArrayList<String> list2 = new ArrayList<String>(); 10 int m = 0; 11 for(int i = 0;i < number.length();i++) { 12 if (number.charAt(i) == ' ') { 13 m++; 14 } 15 if (number.charAt(i) == ' ') { 16 list1.add(number.substring(0,i)); 17 list1.add(number.substring(i+1)); 18 } 19 } 20 if (m >= 2) { 21 System.out.println("wrong number of points"); 22 System.exit(0); 23 } 24 if(!number.matches("^[+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]*)(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?")) { 25 System.out.println("Wrong Format"); 26 System.exit(0); 27 } 28 int num = list1.get(0).indexOf(','); 29 int n = 0; 30 list2.add(list1.get(0).substring(0,num)); 31 list2.add(list1.get(0).substring(num + 1)); 32 int num1 = list1.get(1).indexOf(','); 33 list2.add(list1.get(1).substring(0,num1)); 34 list2.add(list1.get(1).substring(num1 + 1)); 35 double x1 = Double.parseDouble(list2.get(0)); 36 double y1 = Double.parseDouble(list2.get(1)); 37 double x2 = Double.parseDouble(list2.get(2)); 38 double y2 = Double.parseDouble(list2.get(3)); 39 double length = Math.sqrt(((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1))); 40 System.out.println(length); 41 } 42 }
1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 3 public class Main { 4 5 public static void main(String[] args) { 6 Scanner in = new Scanner(; 7 String str = in.nextLine(); 8 int i=0; 9 if(!(str.matches("[1-5][\\:][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?"))&&!(str.matches("[1-5][\\:][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?"))&&!(str.matches("[1-5][\\:][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s]?"))&&!(str.matches("[1-5][\\:][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s]?[\\s][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\,][+-]?(0|[1-9][\\d]{0,})(\\.[\\d]{1,})?[\\s]?"))) 10 { 11 System.out.print("Wrong Format"); 12 } 13 else { 14 Work workin = new Work(i,str); 15 workin.main(); 16 } 17 } 18 19 // [1-5][\\:](([+-]?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?(\\,)?([+-]?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?(\\s)?)+ 20 } 21 class Work { 22 23 24 int i; 25 String str; 26 27 public Work(int i, String str) 28 { 29 this.i = i; 30 this.str = str; 31 } 32 33 public Work(String str) 34 { 35 this.str = str; 36 } 37 public void main() { 38 String str1=""; 39 for(int j=2;j<str.length();j++) { 40 str1+=str.charAt(j); 41 } 42 double []num = split(str1); 43 switch(str.charAt(0)-'0') { 44 case 1: 45 double k; 46 if(num(str1)==1) { 47 if(num[0]==num[2]) 48 { 49 if(num[1]==num[3]) 50 { 51 System.out.println("points coincide"); 52 } 53 else 54 { 55 System.out.println("Slope does not exist"); 56 } 57 } 58 else 59 { 60 k = (num[1]-num[3])/(num[0]-num[2]); 61 System.out.println(k); 62 } 63 } 64 else 65 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 66 break; 67 case 2: 68 if(num(str1)==2) { 69 if(num[2]==num[4]&&num[3]==num[5]) { 70 System.out.print("points coincide");break; 71 } 72 if(num[2]==num[4]&&num[3]!=num[5]) 73 { 74 System.out.println(Math.abs(num[0]-num[2])); 75 } 76 else 77 { 78 double k1 = (num[3]-num[5])/(num[2]-num[4]); 79 double b = num[3]-k1*num[2]; 80 double d = (k1*num[0]+b-num[1])/(Math.sqrt(1+k1*k1)); 81 System.out.println(Math.abs(d)); 82 } 83 } 84 else 85 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 86 break; 87 case 3: 88 if(num(str1)==2) { 89 if(num[0]==num[2]&&num[1]==num[3]||num[4]==num[0]&&num[5]==num[1]||num[4]==num[2]&&num[5]==num[3]) { 90 System.out.print("points coincide");break; 91 } 92 else 93 { 94 double sum=(num[0]*num[3]-num[2]*num[1])+(num[2]*num[5]-num[4]*num[3])+(num[4]*num[1]-num[5]*num[0]); 95 if(sum==0) { 96 System.out.print("true"); 97 } 98 else { 99 System.out.print("false"); 100 } 101 } 102 } 103 else 104 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 105 break; 106 case 4: 107 if(num(str1)==3) { 108 if(num[0]==num[2]&&num[1]==num[3]||num[4]==num[6]&&num[5]==num[7]) { 109 System.out.print("points coincide");break; 110 } 111 if(num[0]==num[2]&&num[1]!=num[3]||num[4]==num[6]&&num[5]!=num[7]) 112 { 113 System.out.print("true"); 114 } 115 else 116 { 117 double k1=(num[1]-num[3])/(num[0]-num[2]); 118 double k2=(num[5]-num[7])/(num[4]-num[6]); 119 if(Math.abs(k1-k2)<0.00001) { 120 System.out.print("true"); 121 } 122 else 123 System.out.print("false"); 124 } 125 } 126 else 127 System.out.print("wrong number of points"); 128 break; 129 case 5: 130 if(num(str1)==3) { 131 if(num[0]==num[2]&&num[1]==num[3]||num[4]==num[6]&&num[5]==num[7]) { 132 System.out.print("points coincide");break; 133 } 134 double k1=(num[1]-num[3])/(num[0]-num[2]); 135 double k2=(num[5]-num[7])/(num[4]-num[6]); 136 if(Math.abs(k1-k2)<0.00001) 137 { 138 System.out.print("is parallel lines,have no intersection point");break; 139 } 140 } 141 else 142 System.out.print("wrong number of points");break; 143 } 144 } 145 public static int num(String args) { 146 int count=0; 147 for(int i=0;i<args.length();i++) 148 { 149 if(args.charAt(i) == ' ') 150 count++; 151 } 152 return count; 153 } 154 public double[] split(String str) 155 { 156 String[] Str = str.split(",|\\s|:"); 157 double []num = new double[Str.length]; 158 for(int i = 0 ;i < Str.length; i++) 159 { 160 num[i] = Double.parseDouble(Str[i]); 161 } 162 return num; 163 } 164 }
标签:总结,String,get,int,习题集,+-,System,PTA,str 来源: